[Go-essp-tech] Instructions to participate in the 9/30/09 ESG model metadata demonstration

Sylvia Murphy murphys at ucar.edu
Tue Sep 29 15:07:57 MDT 2009

Hi Everyone,

On Wednesday 30 September, we will conduct a demonstration of the model metadata trackback pages in ESG. ?

We expect to review:

* A general review of the trackback for those who have not seen it. 
* Changes requested at our last go-essp-tech review and in subsequent exchanges.
* Changes to the trackback tab structure including the introduction ?of sub-tabs, a new experiments tab, and a back to search target feature. 
* The functionality and extent of the definitions pop-ups.
* An initial look at a CMIP5 example from GFDL. 
* A demonstration of a CMIP3 simulation harvested from the ESG database. 


0800 Pacific
0900 Mountain
1100 Eastern
1600 London
1700 Paris


To join, please dial 1-866-740-1260 if calling from the US and Canada.

International dial-in numbers:

For those dialing in from the UK,
The official ReadyTalk number for the UK listed on their site is ?08009170696. ?Allyn found that 0800917069 worked better.

Participant code 4971828#

*Web Bridge:*

Step1: go to http://www.readytalk.com <http://www.readytalk.com/>/

Step 2: In the upper left corner of the screen is a "Participant Login" area. ?Enter 4971828 as the participant pass code.

Step 3: You will be prompted for your name and phone number. 

Step 4. You will be connected when the chairperson arrives.



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