[Go-essp-tech] Doodle Poll for the ESG Model Metadata Demo

Cecelia DeLuca cdeluca at ucar.edu
Fri Sep 18 17:00:45 MDT 2009

(sending for Sylvia...)

Hi Everyone,

The Curator/ESG team needs to schedule our next model metadata  
functionality demonstration.  We will show the metadata trackback pages
that will be part of the next ESG release, scheduled for end of  
October.  Some of you attended the dry run for this demonstration.   
This is the same demonstration, with minor updates, and intended for
a broader audience.

This demonstration will cover:

* Review of changes requested at our last go-essp-tech review and
in subsequent exchanges including changes requested during the dry run.
* Changes to the trackback tab structure including the introduction   
of sub-tabs, and a new Experiments tab.
* The functionality and extent of the definitions pop-ups.
* An initial look at a comprehensive CMIP5 example.
* An example CMIP3 simulation pulled from the ESG database.
* A look at an interim component tree navigation strategy, motivated
by comments from the dry run.  We will also discuss longer-term plans
for component tree navigation.

The demonstration is planned for the week of 28 September.  I have  
established a Doodle Poll at http://www.doodle.com/n3agrvpwzmsqc7zd   
to help us determine which day (Wed-Fri) works for the most people.   
This is always a challenge and we want to maximize participation.

We are also presented with a time zone challenge because we have  
potential participants in all U.S. time zones as well as two European  
times zones.  During the dry run last week we asked our European  
collaborators if they would mind conducting this demonstration one  
hour later than the normal Metafor telecons (0800 Mountain/1500 London/ 
1600 Paris).  Everyone participating in the dry run said yes.  Because  
of this, I have set up the days on the Doodle poll with just one
time slot:

Pacific  0800
Mountain  0900
Central  1000
Eastern 1100
London 1600
Paris 1700

If you would like to participate in this demonstration please take a  
moment and fill out the Doodle Poll.  Instructions on how to  
participate will be sent out once a date and time are finalized.



Sylvia Murphy
Project Manager

Earth System Modeling Project
National Center for Atmospheric Research
1850 Table Mesa Drive
Boulder, CO 80305
murphys at ucar.edu

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