[Go-essp-tech] NetCDF metadata in THREDDS catalogues

stephen.pascoe at stfc.ac.uk stephen.pascoe at stfc.ac.uk
Wed Nov 4 04:47:35 MST 2009

Hi Bob,
We are evaluating how best to extract NetCDF metadata on our esg data
node to reformulate into METAFOR CIM documents.  It seems obvious there
are 3 possible sources of this:
 1. THREDDS catalogues generated by esg publisher
 2. The Postgres database produced by esg publisher
 3. The NetCDF files themselves
Looking at the THREDDS xml generated on our data node it appears only
selected metadata from the NetCDF is exposed in the catalogue.  I can
see variable names, standard_names and units with no global metadata.
Is that what you expect?  I attach a catalogue for a small portion of
I'm guessing that with a correct configuration in esg.ini more metadata
get's put in the THREDDS xml but does this come from the NetCDF?  Is
there a way to configure the publisher to put all NetCDF attributes in
the THREDDS xml?
Turning to the Postgres database it appears to contain all attributes
from the NetCDF.  On my system it also contains lots of Python object
references that I assume is a bug.  For instance:
esgcet=> select name, value from file_var_attr limit 20;
     name      |                              value

 axis          | Y
 bounds        | lat_bnds
 getitem       | <built-in method getitem of CdunifVariable object at
 getslice      | <built-in method getslice of CdunifVariable object at
 long_name     | latitude
 setitem       | <built-in method setitem of CdunifVariable object at
 setslice      | <built-in method setslice of CdunifVariable object at
 standard_name | latitude
 units         | degrees_north
 getitem       | <built-in method getitem of CdunifVariable object at
 getslice      | <built-in method getslice of CdunifVariable object at
 setitem       | <built-in method setitem of CdunifVariable object at
 setslice      | <built-in method setslice of CdunifVariable object at
 axis          | X
 bounds        | lon_bnds
 getitem       | <built-in method getitem of CdunifVariable object at
 getslice      | <built-in method getslice of CdunifVariable object at
 long_name     | longitude
 setitem       | <built-in method setitem of CdunifVariable object at
 setslice      | <built-in method setslice of CdunifVariable object at
(20 rows)

Stephen Pascoe  +44 (0)1235 445980
British Atmospheric Data Centre
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

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