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Dear all,<br>
The Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management at the University of New Brunswick (Canada) is hiring a tenure-track faculty in Plant Ecophysiology with emphasis on tree growth and development relevant of the management of forest ecosystems (<a href="https://unb.ca/hr/_assets/documents/careers/24-25-forem.pdf" id="OWA1294e45c-b4fb-31cc-55b6-809062e2d025" class="x_OWAAutoLink" title="https://unb.ca/hr/_assets/documents/careers/24-25-forem.pdf" data-ogsc="" data-linkindex="0" data-auth="NotApplicable" style="margin: 0px;">24-25-forem.pdf</a>)</div>
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Review of application begins: February 28, 2025</div>
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Feel free to contact me at chris.wong@unb.ca for any questions.<br>
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**Full add below**<br>
The Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management (ForEM) at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada invites applications for a full-time probationary (tenure-track) appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor in Plant Ecophysiology,
commencing July 1, 2025, or as negotiated, subject to final budgetary approval.<br>
The salary range and fringe benefits for this position is defined in the Association of University of New Brunswick Teachers (AUNBT) 2022 - 2025 Collective Agreement sections 35 and 36B.<br>
Candidates must have a Ph.D. and a strong background in plant ecophysiology or related discipline with an emphasis on tree growth, development and pathology relevant to the management of forest ecosystems. We are seeking applicants with demonstrated experience
in teaching at the undergraduate and/or graduate levels. The successful candidate will be expected to: (i) develop a high quality, student-centered, teaching focus in selected classes in plant growth and development, tree silvics. General knowledge of forest
ecology and eastern Canada/Northeast US flora, at tree, herbs and shrub level and the ability to teach plant pathology, genetics, or soils would be considered an asset; (ii) strengthen ForEM’s reputation through externally funded research, peer-reviewed journal
articles, and service to the profession; (iii) contribute to the Faculty’s success in attracting high quality undergraduate and graduate students to its programs; and (iv) enhance Faculty governance by performing at a high level in committee work.<br>
Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, a research program plan (1-2 page), teaching philosophy (1 page), and the names and contact information of three (3) references. Applicants must indicate current citizenship status. The application package should be
submitted as a single PDF file by email to the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Michelle Gray (foremdean@unb.ca). A paper copy of the application is also acceptable and can be submitted to:<br>
Dean, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management<br>
University of New Brunswick<br>
Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3<br>
Review of the applications will begin February 28, 2025, and continue until the position is filled. The appointment may commence July 1, 2025, or as negotiated (e.g. Jan. 1, 2026) with the successful candidate (subject to final budgetary approval). The successful
candidate will join the faculty team at UNB Forestry and Environmental Management (ForEM), and will work in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. The location of work will be: Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, 28 Dineen Dr., IUC Forestry, University
of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada E3B 5A3.<br>
The University of New Brunswick is located in Fredericton, a small city (population = 56,000) in eastern Canada. The city has one of the largest amount of forest cover of any city in Canada, Posted 25/01/23 and offers great recreational opportunities and a
vibrant social/cultural scene. The University is the oldest English speaking university in Canada, with two main campuses in Fredericton and Saint John and more than 8,000 undergraduate and 2,000 graduate students. The Faculty is more than 100 years old, offers
seven degree programs in forestry and environmental management disciplines, has approximately 300 undergraduate and 90 graduate students, and 18 full-time faculty members (see
<a href="http://www.unb.ca/fredericton/forestry" target="_blank" id="OWAaf3ce693-a97e-b1fc-50e2-438642ee3193" class="ms-outlook-linkify OWAAutoLink" data-ogsc="" style="margin: 0px;">
www.unb.ca/fredericton/forestry</a> for more information).<br>
Short-listed candidates will be required to provide satisfactory proof of credentials including appropriately certified translations of credentials into English, as applicable.<br>
The University of New Brunswick is committed to employment equity and fostering diversity within our community and developing an inclusive workplace that reflects the richness of the broader community that we serve. The University welcomes and encourages applications
from all qualified individuals who will help us achieve our goals, including women, visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, persons of any sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Preference will be given to Canadian
citizens and permanent residents of Canada</div>
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<p><span style="font-family: "Century Gothic", sans-serif; font-size: 11.5pt; color: rgb(240, 0, 0);"><b>CHRISTOPHER WONG</b></span><span style="font-family: "Century Gothic", sans-serif; font-size: 9pt; color: rgb(91, 103, 112);"> <br>
Assistant Professor </span><span style="font-family: "Century Gothic", sans-serif; font-size: 9pt; color: rgb(240, 0, 0);"><b>•
</b></span><span style="font-family: "Century Gothic", sans-serif; font-size: 9pt; color: rgb(91, 103, 112);">Forestry and Environmental Management, Faculty of<br>
</span><span style="font-family: "Century Gothic", sans-serif; font-size: 9pt; color: rgb(240, 0, 0);"><b>T</b></span><span style="font-family: "Century Gothic", sans-serif; font-size: 9pt; color: rgb(91, 103, 112);"> 506 453-4501</span></p>
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