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<div>Area Water and Soil Resources Advisor (AP 22-42)</div>
<div>University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources</div>
<div>County Locations: Marin County, Mendocino County, Napa County, Sonoma County</div>
<div>Location: UC ANR - Davis</div>
<div>Date Posted: May 30, 2023</div>
<div>Closing Date: July 25, 2023</div>
<div>Job Description: <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://ucanr.edu/publicFiles/jobs/2543.pdf" target="_blank">
<div>Position Overview</div>
<div>The University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) offers a unique recruitment opportunity for a UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Area Water and Soil Resources Advisor. UC ANR operates a statewide network of researchers and educators
dedicated to the development and application of knowledge to address local agricultural, environmental and health issues. Over 150 UC ANR UCCE advisors conduct research, outreach and education from locally based CE offices serving all 58 counties from 70+
locations throughout the state. Our mission is to bring the University of California directly to Californians through research, extension and education programs that support:</div>
<div> Sustainable, safe, and nutritious food production and delivery</div>
<div> Economic success in a global economy</div>
<div> A sustainable, healthy, and productive environment</div>
<div> Science literacy and youth development</div>
<div>By working and living among those we serve, UC ANR expands the University of California's reach to engage all people and communities in California, ensuring equal access to the UC system.</div>
<div>Location Headquarters: UCCE Sonoma County, Santa Rosa, CA.</div>
<div>Purpose: The Area Water and Soil Resources Advisor will serve as an expert for issues related to water management and soil, focusing on strategies to meet agricultural and ecosystem water demands while stewarding soil health. This position will support
agriculture production, incentivizing practices that will result in net benefit for the environment through innovation, efficient management, and science. The advisor will assist agricultural producers and natural resource managers to meet water demands through
innovation. The candidate will conduct research to understand and develop solutions to increase the resilience of agriculture and natural ecosystems to extreme weather and climate change. This position can expand public awareness of climate risks and effective
adaptation strategies.</div>
<div>The Area Water and Soil Resources Advisor will develop a research and extension program to increase water use efficiency in agricultural operations such as through improved understanding of seasonal plant water demand, irrigation systems and strategies,
including regulated deficit irrigation. This may include research and extension of cost-effective remote sensing tools that capture real-time plant, soil and atmospheric data to enable agricultural producers to address increasingly variable weather conditions.
The advisor can also validate innovative practices such as precision irrigation, and study plant response and adaptation to prolonged drought or other extreme climatic conditions.</div>
<div>The position will support assessments of the impacts of irrigated agriculture on the environment and help growers modify practices to enable compliance with regulations associated with agricultural water use, such as the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program
(ILRP) and the Sustainable Groundwater Water Management Act (SGMA). A diverse clientele base with different interests in the use of and policies associated with water resources exists in this region and the Advisor will be an important part of the team to
implement strategies that will help growers meet new requirements.</div>
<div>Wine grape vineyards comprise majority of the irrigated acreage in agriculture production in the four-county area, with significantly fewer acres in other agricultural crops receiving applied water. The Area Water and Soil Resource Advisor is expected
to develop an outreach program to encourage adoption of sustainable practices that improve water use efficiency, increase soil water storage and holding capacity in irrigated agriculture, and/or develop groundwater recharge opportunities. The candidate will
work with growers and industry organizations in each county to disseminate information and work across disciplines with campus faculty, CE Specialists, and CE advisors in Land, Air and Water Resources, Plant Sciences, and Natural Resources.</div>
<div>There are numerous opportunities for extension and research partnerships with a variety of stakeholders and partnerships, including the North Coast, Central Valley, and San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Boards, California Department of Water Resources,
and the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Programs in each region. Additional agencies include the Sonoma Water, the Napa County Groundwater Sustainability Agency and Watershed Information Council, Marin Water, North Marin Water District, Russian River Flood Control
& Water Conservation Improvement District, and others, as well as local USDA-Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), Resource Conservation Districts (RCD), and industry groups, such as Farm Bureaus and others.</div>
<div>The Area Water and Soil Resources Advisor joins a team of highly motivated UCCE colleagues who are passionate about their work and are dedicated to making a difference within the communities and throughout California. The potential for collaborative projects
within the UC ANR system is nearly limitless.</div>
<div>Counties of Responsibility. This position will be headquartered in the UCCE Sonoma County Office and serve Sonoma, Napa, Mendocino, and Marin Counties.</div>
<div>Reporting Relationship: The CE Advisor serves under the administrative guidance of the UCCE Sonoma County Director with input from the UCCE County Directors for Napa, Mendocino, and Marin Counties.</div>
<div>Qualifications and Skills Required</div>
<div>Required Qualifications</div>
<div>Education: A minimum of a master's degree in disciplines such as hydrologic sciences, soil science, agronomy, water resources, agricultural engineering or other closely related fields is required at the time of appointment.</div>
<div>Additional Requirements</div>
<div> Coursework or experience is desired in irrigation systems, groundwater systems, experimental design, statistical analysis, soil science, water quality, agricultural engineering, geographic information systems, and remote sensing.</div>
<div> Ability and means to travel on a flexible schedule as needed, proof of liability and property damage insurance on vehicle used is required. Must possess valid California Driver's License to drive a County or University vehicle.</div>
<div> The ability to work with clientele across a wide range of socio-economic classes and ethnicities is</div>
<div> This is not a remote position. The candidate must be available to work onsite.</div>
<div>Skills Required</div>
<div>To be successful, the CE Advisor requires skills in the following area:</div>
<div>Technical Competence and Impact</div>
<div>The candidate should be able to design and implement a program that leads to positive change and impact within the community and beyond. There is an expectation that advisors evolve and grow across their career and respond to changes in the industry and
by clientele.</div>
<div>Demonstrated excellence in written, oral, and interpersonal and information technology communication skills. Public speaking to stakeholders is a routine part of this position.</div>
<div>Demonstrated ability to share complex information in a manner tailored to the audience.</div>
<div>Collaboration, Teamwork and Flexibility</div>
<div>Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively as a team member with the agricultural industry, natural resource professionals, and other stakeholders. Able to adapt as circumstances warrant.</div>
<div>Aware and willing to actively promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.</div>
<div>Lifelong Learning</div>
<div>Demonstrated commitment to ongoing professional improvement. Ability to grow new competencies, adapt programs, and shift focus over time in response to changing stakeholder priorities and organizational needs.</div>
<div>Learn more about Skills and Areas of Programmatic Review (including Professional Competence, University and Public Service and Affirmative Action and DEI) at:
<a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://ucanr.edu/sites/anrstaff/files/319460.pdf" target="_blank">
<div>Desired Experience</div>
<div> Passion and desire to pursue a career in Cooperative Extension.</div>
<div> Experience in education and outreach.</div>
<div> Experience building partnerships and working in multidisciplinary teams.</div>
<div> Demonstrated ability to effectively plan projects, manage teams, and implement an applied research and outreach program, including setting measurable goals and objectives.</div>
<div>About UC ANR</div>
<div>The University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) consists of a network of scientists and educators working in partnership across California. We are committed to developing and supporting practical, science-based solutions
that contribute to healthy food systems, healthy environments, healthy communities, and healthy Californians. UC ANR administers UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE), which is responsible for program development and delivery in the counties throughout the state
of California.</div>
<div>Learn more about</div>
<div> UC ANR at <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://ucanr.edu/" target="_blank">
<div> UC ANR in counties: <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://ucanr.edu/sites/ucanr/County_Offices/" target="_blank">
<div> Our Strategic Initiatives <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="http://ucanr.edu/sites/StrategicInitiatives/" target="_blank">
<div> Our Public Value statements at: <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://ucanr.edu/sites/anrstaff/Divisionwide_Planning/UC_ANR_Public_Values/" target="_blank">
<div> DEI: Further to the above, advisors are expected to share and exhibit UC ANR's commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
<a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://ucanr.edu/sites/Professional_Development/Office_-_Team_Management/Diversity_Equity_Inclusion_Belonging/" target="_blank">
<div> Affirmative Action: Further to the above, advisors are expected to share and exhibit UC ANR's commitment to affirmative action. Learn more of UC ANR Affirmative Action policy:
<a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="http://ucanr.edu/sites/anrstaff/Diversity/Affirmative_Action/" target="_blank">
<div> The University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources is committed to attracting and retaining a diverse workforce and will honor your experiences, perspectives and unique identity. We encourage applications from members of historically underrepresented
racial/ethnic groups, women, individuals with disabilities, veterans, LGBTQ+ community members, and others who demonstrate the ability to help us create and maintain working and learning environments that are inclusive, equitable and welcoming.</div>
<div>Salary & Benefits</div>
<div>Salary: The salary range for this Cooperative Extension Advisor position is Assistant Rank, Step I ($71,200) to Step VI ($94,000). Step placement in the advisor series is based on applicable experience and professional qualifications. For information regarding
Cooperative Extension Advisor salary scales, please refer to the University of California website:
<a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://ucanr.edu/sites/anrstaff/files/358478.pdf" target="_blank">
https://ucanr.edu/sites/anrstaff/files/358478.pdf</a>. If the successful candidate is currently a UCCE Advisor, the candidate will be offered the position without change to the candidate's current rank, step, salary and/or appointment terms; and if applicable,
is eligible to retain indefinite status.</div>
<div>This position is eligible for indefinite status following three successful reviews and subject to terms noted in UC ANR Policy and Procedure Manual, Section 315
<a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://ucanr.edu/sites/anrstaff/files/118501.pdf" target="_blank">
<div>Benefits: The University of California offers comprehensive benefits including health insurance, retirement plans, two days per month paid vacation, one day per month paid sick leave, and paid holidays. This position is eligible for sabbatical leave privileges
as per the terms of the University policy. For more information, refer to the UC Benefits website at:
<a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/compensation-and-benefits/index.html" target="_blank">
<div>How to Apply</div>
<div>If interested in this position, please visit: <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://recruit.ucanr.edu/" target="_blank">
https://recruit.ucanr.edu/</a> and choose \applicants\ (refer to position #22-42)</div>
<div>Closing Date: To assure full consideration, application packets must be received by July 25, 2023</div>
<div>- (open until filled)</div>
<div>Contact Kyla Perez; email <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="mailto:mikperez@ucanr.edu" target="_blank">
<div>Applicants may wish to explore the UC Davis Services for International Students and Scholars web page at
<a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://siss.ucdavis.edu/" target="_blank">https://siss.ucdavis.edu/</a> and the
<a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://ucanr.edu/sites/anrstaff/files/287558.pdf" target="_blank">
https://ucanr.edu/sites/anrstaff/files/287558.pdf</a> for reference.</div>
<div>As a condition of employment, you will be required to comply with the University of California
<a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/5000695/VaccinationProgramsPolicy" target="_blank">
https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/5000695/VaccinationProgramsPolicy</a>. All Covered Individuals under the policy must provide proof of receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine Primary Series or, if applicable, submit a request for Exception (based on Medical Exemption, Disability,
Religious Objection, and/or Deferral based on pregnancy or recent COVID-19 diagnosis and/or treatment) no later than the applicable deadline. All Covered Individuals must also provide proof of receiving the most recent CDC-recommended COVID-19 booster or properly
decline such booster no later than the applicable deadline. New University of California employees should refer to
<a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/5000695/VaccinationProgramsPolicy#page=44" target="_blank">
https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/5000695/VaccinationProgramsPolicy#page=44</a>, Section II.C. of the
<a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/5000695/VaccinationProgramsPolicy#page=13" target="_blank">
https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/5000695/VaccinationProgramsPolicy#page=13</a> for applicable deadlines. All Covered Individuals must also provide proof of being Up To Date on seasonal influenza vaccination or properly decline such vaccination no later than the
applicable deadline. Please refer to the <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/5000695/VaccinationProgramsPolicy#page=51" target="_blank">
https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/5000695/VaccinationProgramsPolicy#page=51</a>. (Capitalized terms in this paragraph are defined in the policy.) Federal, state, or local public health directives may impose additional requirements.</div>
<div>The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability,
age, protected veteran status or other protected categories covered by the UC nondiscrimination policy.</div>
<div>As of January 1, 2014, ANR is a smoke- and tobacco-free environment in which smoking, the use of smokeless tobacco products, and the use of unregulated nicotine products (e-cigarettes), is strictly prohibited.</div>
<div>Copyright ©2022 <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="http://jobelephant.com/" target="_blank">
Jobelephant.com</a> Inc. All rights reserved.</div>
<div><a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.jobelephant.com/" target="_blank">https://www.jobelephant.com/</a></div>
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