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<table style="width:759px" class="gmail-first-child gmail-last-child"><tbody class="gmail-first-child gmail-last-child"><tr style="height:61px"><td style="width:611.2px;height:61px" class="gmail-last-child"><p class="gmail-first-child">Postdoc position to work with Dr. Matt Baker - review of applications starts April 6th.</p><p class="gmail-first-child"><a href="https://facultyjobs.umbc.edu/cwfac/en-us/job/493318/postdoctoral-scholar-in-digital-hydrography-and-geomorphology">https://facultyjobs.umbc.edu/cwfac/en-us/job/493318/postdoctoral-scholar-in-digital-hydrography-and-geomorphology</a></p><p class="gmail-first-child">The
Department of Geography and Environmental Systems at the University of
Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) seeks to hire a postdoctoral scholar as
part of collaboration between UMBC (Dr. Matthew Baker) and the
Chesapeake Conservancy’s Conservation Innovation Center. UMBC/CIC have
been awarded a cooperative agreement from the Chesapeake Bay Program
(CBP) to produce high-resolution maps of stream channels and ditches
within the Chesapeake Bay watershed from LiDAR data sources. The
successful candidate will support implementation and refinement of
previously developed automated mapping approaches, work with a team of
collaborators to analyze existing validation data from across the
watershed, support parallel processing, and iterative refinements.
Candidates will be encouraged to pursue new research questions with the
resulting data. The project is part of a larger effort to produce
extremely precise environmental information in support of the CBP water
quality goals. </p>
<p><strong class="gmail-first-child gmail-last-child">Qualifications:</strong> At a
minimum, candidates will hold a PhD within six months of appointment in
Geomorphology, Geography, Water Resources, Environmental Science or
related field, with research interests in terrain analysis , the
morphology of stream channels, stream flow, and expertise or experience
with digital mapping techniques and data analysis. Requirements include
demonstrated ability with GIS software including, but not limited to,
ArcGIS and GRASS; programming with Python, R, or similar language.
Preference will be given to candidates with experience with
high-performance computing, model performance evaluation, or database
management, ability/experience mentoring students, a record of excellent
scientific writing, and a demonstrated commitment to diversity and
<p>Questions may be directed to Dr. Matthew Baker (<a href="mailto:mbaker@umbc.edu" class="gmail-first-child gmail-last-child">mbaker@umbc.edu</a>).</p>
<p class="gmail-last-child"><strong class="gmail-first-child">Application</strong>: should be submitted at: <a href="http://apply.interfolio.com/85055" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">http://apply.interfolio.com/85055</a> and should include: <br>• cover letter with description of qualifications and experiences <br>• up to three reprints of research publications<br>• a statement of commitment to diversity and inclusiveness in research and mentorship<br>• Curriculum vitae <br class="gmail-last-child">• names and contact information of three references</p>
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