[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral Researcher - UWisconsin - Data mining in earth sciences

Simon Goring goring at wisc.edu
Thu Feb 20 12:36:17 MST 2020

DeepDive Gray Literature & Annotation
University of Wisconsin - Geography

General Work
The prospective applicant will mine the academic literature using machine learning, regular expressions (regex), and natural language processing (NLP) to extract relevant information relating open research databases (Neotoma Paleoecology Database, LinkedEarth, EarthChem) to existing publications. The postdoc will work with Dr. Shanan Peters and the University of Wisconsin DeepDive (https://geodeepdive.org/) team to generate open source (R, Python), well documented (Jupyter/RMarkdown) and version controlled (git) workflows that can be used as templates for instruction and outreach. The postdoc will work with Dr. Jack Williams (UWisconsin-Geography) to apply these tools to discover and extract information from publications in paleoecology, with a focus on extracting metadata and data for fossil pollen records relevant to the Neotoma Paleoecology Database (http://neotomadb.org) as a case study. The postdoc will also work with by Dr. Simon Goring (UWisconsin-Geography), who is overseeing
 the Throughput Project (http://throughput-ec.github.io), to implement methods for incorporating metadata harvested using ML techniques using the DeepDive platform into research databases.

Desired Skills and Experience
These skills are desired, but not prerequisites. There will be opportunities for training during the position.
Experience with open science workflows (primarily Python/R)

Experience with outreach and training (teaching, workshops)

Experience using version control in a team environment (GitLabs/GitHub/BitBucket)

Experience with Postgres, Graph Databases

Experience in the earth sciences, ideally in paleoclimatology, paleoecology, paleobiology, or related fields.

Experience working in collaborative and interdisciplinary teams

We are looking for a researcher with cross-over training in the data sciences (e.g. Information Sciences, Computer Sciences) and Earth Sciences (e.g. Geosciences, Geography, Environmental Sciences, or Ecology). Quantitative analysis, project management, and collaborative skills are important for this position.

This postdoc position is contracted for one year, with the opportunity to extend to 2.5 years. Minimum starting salary for this position is $49,000.

Please apply by submitting your documents (cover letter, cv, code examples) to goring at wisc.edu by March 1, 2020. Feel free to ask questions at any time using the same email address.
Proposed Start Date: April 1, 2020 (negotiable)

Application Due Date: March 1, 2020

Submission Materials
Email to goring at wisc.edu with the subject line DeepDive Postdoc

CV with links to published papers

Cover letter

Links to public code repositories, or code examples

Postdoc Resources at UW-Madison
Office of Postdoctoral Studies: https://postdoc.wisc.edu/
The University of Wisconsin Postdoc Association: https://uwpa.wisc.edu/
UW Benefits for Postdoctoral Researchers: https://hr.wisc.edu/benefits/new-employee-benefits-enrollment/benefits-for-employees-not-covered-by-the-wrs/

UW-Madison is an equal opportunity employer, and specifically invites and encourages applications from women and minorities. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 requires the University to verify the identity and work authorization of the successful applicant. Any offer of employment is contingent upon verification.

Simon James Goring
Assistant Scientist
Department of Geography
University of Wisconsin
W // http://goring.org
sjgoring (https://twitter.com/sjgoring)
0000-0002-2700-4605 (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2700-4605)

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