[ES_JOBS_NET] PostDoc in Carbonate Geochemistry : Cambridge : 1 Year

Oscar Branson ob266 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Feb 12 10:12:31 MST 2020

*Research Associate - Structure and geochemistry of metastable carbonate 
minerals (Fixed Term)*

The Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, is seeking a 
post-doctoral research associate (PDRA) to study the structure and 
geochemistry of carbonate minerals. The role is to synthesise metastable 
carbonate minerals, characterise their structure and phase 
transformations, and analyse their geochemistry. Mineral geochemistry 
will be combined with quantitative models to constrain trace element 
incorporation mechanisms in carbonates, which will be interpreted in the 
context of the carbonate geochemical record. The position is for one 
year, and is funded by the Isaac Newton Trust. Ideally the candidate 
would start in June 2020.

Applications are invited from candidates with relevant expertise in 
conducting mineral precipitation experiments, and mineralogical and 
geochemical analyses. Experience of preparing samples for geochemical 
analysis in trace-metal clean labs, as well as strong computational 
analytical skills are desirable. You will work as part of a wider team 
studying carbonate geochemistry and biomineralisation mechanisms, and 
conduct experiments that will advance our understanding of the control 
of mineral precipitation by biological processes.

The candidate will have (or be about to obtain) a PhD and preferably 
some postdoctoral experience in a relevant area. They will have 
significant experience in geochemistry and mineralogy, good 
communication skills, the ability to work in a team, strong IT and data 
handling skills, and preferably a track record of publication in 
peer-reviewed journals.

Enquiries concerning this position should be directed to Dr. Oscar 
Branson (ob266 at cam.ac.uk)

Apply online here: http://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/24596/

Dr Oscar Branson
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Cambridge

ob266 at cam.ac.uk

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