[ES_JOBS_NET] post-doc , Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA) at George Mason University

Christine Wiedinmyer christine.wiedinmyer.ucar at gmail.com
Mon Feb 10 10:21:55 MST 2020

The Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA) at George Mason
University is expecting to hire a post-doc to start in May or June 2020 to
conduct land surface and coupled land-atmosphere model evaluation and
validation as part of the development of the Unified Forecast System (UFS;
https://ufscommunity.org/). UFS is a community-based, coupled comprehensive
Earth system model that will assume much of the operational forecasting
duties for the National Weather Service in the near future. This is a 2-year


Among the many new and updated model components are the land surface model
(LSM), many parameterizations of atmospheric physics and the dynamical core.
At COLA, we will be evaluating implementations of the Noah-MP LSM and
possibly other models, their stand-alone performance, and especially coupled
performance in terms of process-based land-atmosphere coupling metrics that
can inform model development and calibration. The goal is to improve and
optimize forecast model performance on time scales from sub-daily to
subseasonal, ensuring UFS properly captures coupled land-atmosphere
processes by which predictability inherent in the slowly-varying land states
can be harvested.   


We seek Spring 2020 or other recent recipients of a PhD degree in
atmospheric science, hydrology, civil engineering, geography, ecology, or
related fields who have expertise in land-atmosphere coupling and related
data analysis. Experience in numerical modeling is not necessary, but
helpful. Familiarity with using large data sets and strong computational
skills are essential. 


The incumbent will be based at COLA and will interact closely with
colleagues at the Environmental Modeling Center and the National Center for
Atmospheric Research, among others, to diagnose model behavior and skill,
and to inform model development. Applicants should contact me directly
<pdirmeye at gmu.edu <mailto:pdirmeye at gmu.edu> > with a current CV and list of
references, along with a one-page summary of interest and appropriate


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