[ES_JOBS_NET] Environmental Social Science Editor position at Nature Communications

Melissa Plail melissa.plail at nature.com
Tue Apr 21 10:13:19 MDT 2020

Nature Communications <https://www.nature.com/ncomms/> is the leading multidisciplinary Open Access journal, publishing high-quality scientific research. To help us to build on the success of this journal, we're seeking an environmental social scientist who has a critical eye, a deep understanding of their subject and interests beyond, and who can think on their feet. We are looking for someone with a PhD (or equivalent )+/- post doctorial experience in a field related to environmental social sciences, climate economics, climate impacts, sustainability, climate and energy policy. The associate/senior editor position is full time and permanent, based in either New York, London or Berlin. The closing date is  the 28th April. Full details of how to apply can be found here<https://career5.successfactors.eu/sfcareer/jobreqcareer?jobId=30543&company=C0001215517P&username=>.

Dr Melissa Plail
Earth Science Team Manager and Senior Editor
Nature Communications


Follow us on twitter @NatureComms

4 Crinan Street London N1 9XW
T: +44 (0) 2034263269

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