[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoc positions in Department of Ocean Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology

Christine Wiedinmyer Christine.Wiedinmyer at Colorado.EDU
Tue Apr 7 08:31:04 MDT 2020

Postdoc positions in Department of Ocean Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology

Job Description

The Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTC) has several immediate postdoc opening in coastal and shelf circulation modeling. We seek highly motivated postdoctoral researchers to join Department of Ocean Science and Engineering in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China.

Several positions are open in Chemical Oceanography. Candidates will apply state-of-the-art biogeochemical methods (such as organic biomarkers, stable and radioisotopes, compound specific isotope analyses etc.) to study dynamics and processes of marine biogeochemistry from estuaries, nearshore to trenches, and their interactions with eutrophication, hypoxia, and global climate change.

The postdoc will be:

1. highly motivated, hard-working and open to exploring new areas of science.

2. willing to work independently and efficiently, with good work ethics and teamwork spirit.

3. willing to work closely with members of collaborative labs on joint projects.

Annual Salary

280,000¥ - 300,000¥ with benefits.
To Apply

Those interested should send their CV including list of publications, a letter of motivation with contact information of three referees to
lixinxin at sustech.edu.cn<mailto:lixinxin at sustech.edu.cn>

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