[ES_JOBS_NET] Two research positions and one PhD, carbon cycle and climate change, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom

Christine Wiedinmyer Christine.Wiedinmyer at Colorado.EDU
Thu Sep 26 14:50:50 MDT 2019

Two research positions and one PhD stipend are available at UEA to join the research group of Prof. Corinne Le Quéré (University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom), with the overall aim of better understanding the interactions between the carbon cycle and climate change. Prior experience in carbon cycle research is not essential to apply for these post. For information please contact c.lequere at uea.ac.uk<mailto:c.lequere at uea.ac.uk>.

Post-doctoral research position in carbon cycle modelling. We seek a researcher with experience in computer modelling to develop the first "High-Resolution-High-Complexity" model of the marine carbon cycle, and use the model to understand recent variability in the carbon cycle and project future change. Prior experience with carbon cycle research is not essential to apply for this post. Funding is secured for 2 years in a first instance, through the NERC SONATA project and the Royal Society. Closing date 3 October.

Post-doctoral research position in oxygen and carbon budget analysis. The post-holder will establish the first global oxygen budget, and provide strong constraints on how the land and ocean carbon reservoirs respond to climate variability and climate change. This work builds on the successful analysis of the global carbon budget, which helped to gain insights and keep track of how the carbon cycle evolves through time. Funding is secured for 30 months, through the European Project CCiCC (Climate-carbon interactions in the coming century) and the Royal Society. Closing date 4 October.

PhD on the impact of climate change and variability on ocean oxygen. Apply by 20 October. Start date is 1 January 2020.

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