[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD position available, dynamics of coastal upwelling systems in the Baltic Sea

Inga Koszalka inga.koszalka at misu.su.se
Wed Oct 30 14:39:45 MDT 2019

Hello everyone,

A PhD position in Atmospheric Science and Oceanography is available at the Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University, Sweden. The student will use  theory and idealized ocean modelling to study the development of coastal upwelling fronts in the Baltic Sea, their life cycles, and associated exchange between the coastal zone and the interior. 

The closing date is November 5, 2019.

Please find more details here: https://www.su.se/english/about/working-at-su/jobs?rmpage=job&rmjob=10265&rmlang=UK

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Associate Prof. Inga Koszalka (inga.koszalka at misu.su.se)

Best regards,
Inga Koszalka

Inga Monika Koszalka
Associate Professor of Coastal Oceanography
Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University (MISU)
SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel: +46-8-161734
Fax: +46-8-157185
Email: inga.koszalka at misu.su.se

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