[ES_JOBS_NET] A new faculty position at the University of Washington

qiang fu qfu at atmos.washington.edu
Fri Oct 18 08:46:48 MDT 2019

Dear Colleagues and Friends (with apologies for cross postings),

The Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, is
currently searching for a tenure-track assistant professor to broaden the
Department’s research portfolio. Attached is the ad that is also online at
https://apply.interfolio.com/69945. Please consider this opportunity or
pass the word if you know of a good student/postdoc/early career scientist
who might be interested in.



Search Committee Chair


Qiang Fu, Ph.D.


Department of Atmospheric Sciences

University of Washington

BOX 351640

Seattle, WA 98195-1640


Office: 604 Atmospheric Science Building

Fax: (206)-543-0308 Phone: (206)-685-2070

Email: qfu at atmos.washington.edu

Website: http://www.atmos.washington.edu/~qfu/

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