[ES_JOBS_NET] Two marine Assistant Professor positions at U of SC: microbial ecology and population dynamics

Lori Ziolkowski lziolkowski at geol.sc.edu
Fri Oct 4 15:18:51 MDT 2019

The University of South Carolina is seeking two assistant professors in
marine science.  The job title for each position has a link to the full
advert.  If that doesn't work, feel free to contact me (loriz at sc.edu); I am
chairing the microbial ecology search.

*Position 1: Marine Microbial Ecology

The School of the Earth, Ocean, and Environment (SEOE) invites applications
for a tenure-track, Assistant Professor position in Marine Microbial
Ecology beginning August 16, 2020. We seek an individual with outstanding
research and teaching capabilities, with broad interests that are likely to
include – but are not limited to – one or more of the following areas:
microbial community structure and functional diversity, microbial roles in
biogeochemical cycles, and/or microbial food web dynamics.

*Position 2: Marine PopulationDynamics

The School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment invites applications for a
tenure-track, assistant professor position in the area of Marine Population
Dynamics in a Changing Climate to begin August 16, 2020. We invite
candidates who will apply observational and/or quantitative modeling
approaches to study the responses of marine populations to changes in
ecosystem conditions at a regional scale. Topics could include, but are not
limited to, research that considers relationships among marine ecosystems
(including their productivity, resilience, distribution, and composition),
physical climate stressors, effects of coastal development, or living
marine resource availability. The new faculty member will complement
existing expertise in the SEOE addressing adjustment of marine biological
resources to various future climate scenarios.
Dr. Lori A. Ziolkowski
Associate Professor
School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment
University of South Carolina
701 Sumter St., EWS 617
Columbia, SC  29208

office: EWS 304
ph: (803) 777-0035
fx: (803) 777-6610
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