[ES_JOBS_NET] Positions in Soil Modelling, Universität Hamburg

Beer, Christian christian.beer at uni-hamburg.de
Fri Oct 4 01:01:13 MDT 2019

Dear all,

There are several open positions on soil biogeochemical or physical modelling at the Institute of Soil Science, Universität Hamburg. The successful candidates will be integrated into an open, growing and dynamic working group which  has  a  strong  focus  on  future  carbon  balance  of  permfrost  ecosystems  in  northern  high latitudes.

Post-Doc 3 years:


Post-Doc Heisenberg project, 3 years:


PhD student, 3 years:


Kind regards
Christian Beer

Christian Beer

Universität Hamburg
Institute of Soil Science
Allende-Platz 2
20146 Hamburg

Tel.:      +49 (0)40 42838 2699
Fax:       +49 (0)40 42838 2024
E-Mail   Christian.Beer at uni-hamburg.de<mailto:Christian.Beer at uni-hamburg.de>
Internet: www.geo.uni-hamburg.de/bodenkunde/personen/christian-beer.html<http://www.geo.uni-hamburg.de/bodenkunde/personen/christian-knoblauch.html>

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