[ES_JOBS_NET] Three Graduate Positions at IUPUI Department of Earth Sciences

Broxton Bird bwbird at iupui.edu
Wed Nov 20 07:53:08 MST 2019


I would like to post the following to the es jobs list serv.



*Three Graduate Student Positions Available*

*Paleoclimate and Fluvial Geomorphology Studies*

Department of Earth Sciences

Paleoclimatology and Sedimentology Laboratory

Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI)

The Paleoclimatology and Sedimentology Laboratory at IUPUI invites
applications for three graduate positions (1 MSc and 2 PhD) within the
fields of paleoclimatology and fluvial geomorphology.

1) The MSc candidate will join a team of paleoclimatologists and fluvial
geomorphologists lead by Dr. Broxton Bird and Robert Barr to investigate
how Indiana and Midwest streams are responding to changing climatic
conditions. The student will participate in the collection of fluvial
geomorphological field data that will be analyzed in the context of
previous measurements made over a decade ago.

2) Two PhD-level projects are available. The first project is focused on
reconstructing the paleoclimate history of the midcontinental United States
during the last 2000 years using a range of paleo-hydrology proxies
including stable isotope analyses (d18O, d13C, d15N), elemental
geochemistry (XRF and ICP-OES) and physical sedimentology. The second
project is focused on investigating the ways in which regional fluvial
systems responded to past climatic and land use changes during the
Holocene. A variety of geo-chronological methods will be employed in
addition to geochemical and sedimentological analyses. Both PhD projects
are lead by Dr. Broxton Bird, but will involve collaborations with other
Earth scientists and Anthropologists at IUPUI and other institutions. The
projects will involve extensive fieldwork to collect sediment cores and
field data from a range of lakes in different geomorphological
environments. Each project also has the potential to be integrated with
archaeological data in order to assess relationships between climatic and
geomorphic processes and pre-Columbian midcontinental societies.

*For more information, email Dr. Broxton Bird (**bwbird at iupui.edu*
<bwbird at iupui.edu>*) *

*TO APPLY visit the IUPUI graduate application link: *

*Minimum Degree Requirement for MSc position:* Bachelors degree in Geology,
Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, or related field.

*Minimum Degree Requirement for PhD positions:* Bachelors degree in
Geology, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, or related field is
required. A MSc in Geology, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, or
related field is preferred, but not required.

*Additional Information: *The graduate positions include tuition remission
and a stipend commensurate with the degree program. Applications are due
before January 15th for full consideration.

*Broxton W. Bird*
Associate Professor

Department of Earth Sciences
Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis
723 W. Michigan Street, SL 118
Indianapolis, IN 46202
W: (317) 274-7468
F: (317) 274-7966
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