[ES_JOBS_NET] post-doc position at LMD, Paris on MOPGA project PRODUCT

Alessandra Giannini alesall at iri.columbia.edu
Tue Mar 12 09:53:19 MDT 2019

LMD [Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique] seeks a post-doctoral research scientist in climate, atmospheric and ocean sciences to join the PRODUCT -- “PROcess-based Diagnostics of Uncertainty in Climate change projections in the Tropics” -- project team. The project is funded by the French National Agency for Research in the context of the « Make Our Planet Great Again » program. The project’s goal is to reduce uncertainty in projections of precipitation change in the Sahel [and/or in the semi-arid tropics] based on an improved understanding of relevant physical processes and their representation in models.

Project context
In the tropics, climatic impact – e.g., on agriculture, water resources and public health – is driven by variation in precipitation more than in temperature. Yet it is precisely in these regions that model projections of precipitation change are most uncertain. The goal of this research project is to reduce uncertainty in projections of tropical precipitation change, using the Sahel, the poleward edge of the West African monsoon, as a case study.
The MOPGA/PRODUCT project is a joint project between LMD [Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique] et LOCEAN [Laboratoire d’Océanographie et du Climat -- Expérimentations et Approches Numériques]. The project team is composed of researchers with expertise in theoretical frameworks to understand the response of tropical circulations to warming, and experience in collaborations with West African universities and institutions aimed at co-production of policy-relevant knowledge.

Analysis will exploit the standard model simulations carried out during phases 3, 5 and 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project [CMIP], as well as additional simulations carried out with the IPSL model. These currently include a large ensemble of “historical” 20th century simulations, historical single forcing simulations, and simulations of the last millennium. The post-doc will :
(i) compare and contrast existing simulations, run with different external forcing and/or different models, and/or
(ii) design sensitivity simulations with the IPSL model and analyze their output

- PhD completed at time of start
- familiarity with at least one scripting language routinely used in climate research [IDL, Matlab, NCL, Python, R,…]
- experience in the quantitative analysis of global climate model simulations, including their comparison with observations

Submit your application at: <http://bit.ly/2HdHlyN <http://bit.ly/2HdHlyN>>

Alessandra Giannini
IRI for Climate and Society - The Earth Institute at Columbia University
P.O. Box 1000, Palisades NY 10964-8000, U.S.A.

currently at:
LMD - École Normale Supérieure 
24, Rue Lhomond 75231 PARIS CEDEX 05, France

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