[ES_JOBS_NET] Atmospheric greenhouse gas and isotope monitoring (postdoc) - 8th July deadline

ARNOLD Tim Tim.Arnold at ed.ac.uk
Sun Jun 30 06:11:15 MDT 2019

We’re looking for a postdoctoral scientist in atmospheric greenhouse gas monitoring – this will be a joint position between the University of Edinburgh and the National Physical Laboratory in London with a contract until 31st March 2023 (i.e. 3+ years). The role will be based 100% at the National Physical Laboratory, involving working in the field of greenhouse gas stable isotope ratio measurements for improving our understanding of fluxes, ultimately to help direct emissions mitigation policy. Specifically, the work will involve deployment of novel instrumentation – an automated high precision methane isotopologue ratio analyser that has been developed at NPL. These measurements will be used within a new large consortium NERC project, providing plenty of opportunities to develop new research ideas in collaboration with university partners.


Please email tim.arnold at ed.ac.uk<mailto:tim.arnold at ed.ac.uk> for further information.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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