[ES_JOBS_NET] MS Graduate Assistantship in Nematology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Shepard, Christopher B. Christopher.Shepard at uky.edu
Thu Jun 27 19:36:45 MDT 2019

Please post the following graduate assistantship announcement:
Plant-parasitic nematode MS position in the Department of Horticulture- University of Kentucky
Application review begins September 15th, 2019; Start date January 2020
Seeking a MS graduate student with interest and/or experience in nematology and experience in vegetable production to join Dr. Rachel Rudolph's lab in the Department of Horticulture at the University of Kentucky. The student will be part of a new effort to evaluate plant-parasitic nematode pressure in vegetable crops in the state of Kentucky. The student will be based out of the University of Kentucky on the main campus in Lexington.

Project summary: High tunnels are passively heated and cooled temporary structures used to extend the growing season for high value crops. High tunnel production is nuanced and growers face unique production challenges from pests and diseases. One of those challenges are plant-parasitic nematodes, specifically the root knot nematode. Root knot nematodes invade plant roots and cause root galling which impairs root function and causes reduced water and nutrient uptake. Root knot nematodes have a very wide host range, including nearly all vegetable crops. High tunnels were intended for the production of specialty crops which include vegetables. Rotating to a non-host crop would be extremely limiting for high tunnel growers and would most likely mean that they would earn a significantly lower profit. Tomatoes are the most common and the most high-value crop grown in high tunnels in Kentucky. Several Kentucky high tunnel growers have already observed issues with root knot nematodes. The fumigants and nematicides labeled for use on tomatoes are either not permitted for use in high tunnels, are extremely costly for growers, or are only moderately effective against plant-parasitic nematodes. There is a need for another management technique that is both affordable and effective. The objectives of this project are to determine the level of pressure that plant-parasitic nematodes exert on vegetable cropping systems across the state of Kentucky, specifically in high tunnels and evaluate grafting and other non-chemical methods for management of root knot nematodes in Kentucky high tunnel systems.

The graduate student, with advice and mentorship from Dr. Rudolph and other project personnel, will be responsible for the execution of field research including: a plant-parasitic nematode census across the state, as well as two on-farm trials. The student will be responsible for sampling, extracting, identifying, and quantifying plant-parasitic nematodes. In the field, the student may oversee undergraduate assistants and will work with vegetable growers during on-farm trials. The MS student will be additionally responsible for (1) providing regular project updates, (2) data management, (3) statistical analysis of field data, (4) preparation and submission of academic manuscripts, and (5) development and dissemination of outreach materials. The student will be expected to present their work at conferences and grower meetings.


*         Strong interpersonal and communication skills and an ability to work both independently and collaboratively with researchers, growers, and practitioners from different backgrounds.

*         Demonstrated ability to follow through on project deliverables

*         Ability to complete coursework while also maintaining and management research project

*         Strong writing skills

The following qualification are preferred but not required:

*         Experience designing, planning, and executing applied field research.

*         Undergraduate research experience in nematology

*         Prior experience working and/or interfacing with growers.

*         Prior experience managing field projects and mentoring students.

*         Strong statistical skills and demonstrated proficiency with SAS or another statistical software program.

*         Experience in nematode identification and nematology field and lab methods such as proper sampling, extraction, and quantification techniques.

*         Demonstrated ability and/or desire to integrate results across interdisciplinary teams.

If interested, please send me a short research statement highlighting your career ambitions, interest in the position, and experience working with nematode research. In addition, send a current CV and writing sample to Rachel Rudolph (rachel.rudolph at uky.edu) with the subject line "Plant-parasitic nematode graduate student position - your last name" by September 1st 2019. For more on Dr. Rudolph's research interests and work, please visit vegcrops.ca.uky.edu.

Christopher Shepard
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Plant and Soil Sciences
The University of Kentucky
Room N122U Ag. Sciences North
1100 Nicholasville Rd.
Lexington, KY 40546-0091
Office: 8592573214

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