[ES_JOBS_NET] Graduate Assistant Teaching/Research - Geological Sciences, University of Alaska Anchorage

Christine Wiedinmyer Christine.Wiedinmyer at Colorado.EDU
Mon Jun 10 15:02:19 MDT 2019


UAA Graduate Assistant Teaching/Research - Geological Sciences

JOB NO:512895
CLASSIFICATION:Graduate Assistant - Teaching
GRADE:Grad Student
WORK TYPE:Graduate Student Worker
ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT:University of Alaska Anchorage
SCHOOL/BUSINESS UNIT:College of Arts & Sciences

Position Summary:
Graduate students in TA or RA positions assist faculty in teaching or research, respectively, in the Department of Geological Sciences. They interact closely with the department Director and faculty members for whose course they are assigned TA duties, or faculty members in whose research programs they are assigned RA duties.

Graduate Teaching Assistants (TA's) assist faculty or instructors of record in the Department of Geological Sciences with teaching activities. Duties include class or lab preparation and setup, in-class activities, grading, interacting with students both in person and electronically, participation in open office hours, course-related field activities, and other duties that help to support faculty members in effective teaching. To be eligible for a TA, students must maintain full-time enrollment (a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester, or 6 credit hours in the final semester of enrollment) and maintain good academic standing. Graduate Research Assistants (RA's) assist research faculty in the Department of Geological Sciences with research activities. Duties include computer, lab, or field-based research activities, mentoring of students in research projects, and completion of a research project that results in the production of an MS thesis. To be eligible for an RA, students must maintain full-time enrollment (a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester, or 6 credit hours in the final semester of enrollment) and maintain good academic standing.


This position is only open to applicants of the MS program in Applied Geological Sciences. To apply, see the Graduate Admissions website athttps://www.uaa.alaska.edu/admissions/how-to-apply.cshtml.

To be exempt from FICA (Social Security and Medicare) tax, students must maintain full-time enrollment and regular attendance for a minimum of 6 graduate credit hours per semester. A credit hour load below the minimum required for full-time student status will require the withholding of FICA tax (non-resident aliens on an appropriate visa who meet student employment criteria will continue to be exempt from FICA regardless of credit hour load). While in a student position, a student cannot hold any other type of simultaneous employment with the university.


TA duties to include class or lab preparation and setup, in-class activities, grading, interacting with students both in person and electronically, participation in open office hours, course-related field activities, and other duties that help to support faculty members in effective teaching.

RA duties include computer, lab, or field-based research activities, mentoring of students in research projects, and completion of a research project that results in the production of an MS thesis.


Proficiency in computer skills. Ability to communicate effectively (both orally and in writing) and work well with students, faculty, and staff.

Typical Education or Training:

Bachelor's degree required in geoscience or a closely related field.

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