[ES_JOBS_NET] Vacancy: Research Fellow - New Zealand-based, Antarctic fieldwork focussed, "Supercooling measurements under ice shelves" project

Inga Smith inga.smith at otago.ac.nz
Fri Jan 11 11:48:12 MST 2019

Kia ora fellow Earth scientists!

We have an exciting opportunity for an early career scientist or engineer (or two, if two job share arrangement (or joint) applications are successful) to join my team in Aotearoa New Zealand to work on instrumentation for making supercooling measurements in Antarctica, in collaboration with Dr Britney Schmidt (Georgia Tech, USA), Professor Lars Smedsrud (University of Bergen, Norway), and Dr Greg Leonard (University of Otago, New Zealand).

Further details (and the link to apply for the job) are available here:

Please note the closing date 28 February 2019 (NZ time). Applications must be made via the link the link above.

A PhD opportunity on the same project will be advertised soon (with a different closing date and a different application process).

I am happy to answer any specific questions by email:
inga.smith at otago.ac.nz

Nga mihi

Dr Inga Smith
Senior Lecturer
Department of Physics
University of Otago
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