[ES_JOBS_NET] Assistant/Associate Professor in Agricultural Hydrology and Water Quality at Ohio State University - Wooster Campus

Gabor, Rachel S. gabor.40 at osu.edu
Fri Jan 4 10:53:14 MST 2019

The School of Environment and Natural Resources at Ohio State University is hiring a tenure-track faculty member at the assistant or associate level in agricultural hydrology and water quality, to be based at our campus in Wooster, Ohio.  The position is 50% research, 35% extension, 15% teaching.

The successful candidate will be expected to develop a nationally recognized research program with

an emphasis on hydrology and water quality in agricultural landscapes. Ideally, this scientist will

utilize field observations and monitoring approaches, possibly combined with remotely sensed data,

to understand vadose zone hydrological processes and hydrologic controls of water quality

outcomes at the farm field to watershed scale. Specialties of particular interest include: (a) vadose

zone hydrologic processes in agricultural fields and watersheds; (b) impacts of land use changes and

farm management strategies (e.g., tillage, crop rotations, riparian buffers, controlled drainage, ditch

design, etc.) on water flows and water quality; and (c) the ability to link physical hydrology to water

quality and ecosystem function in ways that enhance management of water resources and

agroecosystems in Ohio and the region.

More details attached.  Application review will begin January 31, 2019.

Rachel Gabor, PhD
Assistant Professor
The Ohio State University
School of Environment and Natural Resources
473b Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Rd, Columbus, OH 43210
gabor.40 at osu.edu<mailto:gabor.40 at osu.edu> @GaborLabOSU
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