[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral scholar position on LES of aerosol transport in ABL flows

Jasper Kok jfkok at ucla.edu
Thu Dec 19 11:23:23 MST 2019

Dear colleagues,

UCLA’s department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences seeks a postdoctoral
scholar to work on LES and dust aerosol emission from complex terrain
(please see attached flyer). While experience with LES is preferred, it is
not strictly necessary. We particularly encourage applications from women
and underrepresented minorities! U.S. citizenship or residency is not

Best wishes,

Marcelo Chamecki and Jasper Kok

Associate Professor
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
University of California, Los Angeles
Math Sciences Building 7142
Email: jfkok at ucla.edu
Website: http://jasperfkok.com
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