[ES_JOBS_NET] New Battelle - NEON Program - Job Openings - Instrumentation

Hannah Eichenberger-Gay heichenberger-gay at battelleecology.org
Mon Aug 12 14:15:04 MDT 2019

Battelle manages and operates the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) project, which is solely funded by the National Science Foundation. A 30+ year project dedicated to understanding how changes in climate, land use and invasive species impact ecology, the observatory's scientists and engineers are collecting a comprehensive range of ecological data on a continental scale across 20 eco-climatic domains representing US ecosystems.  Our teams use cutting-edge technology, including an airborne observation platform that captures images of regional landscapes and vegetation; mobile, relocatable, and fixed data collection sites with automated ground sensors to monitor soil and atmosphere; and trained field crews who observe and sample populations of diverse organisms and collect soil and water data.  Once structures are completed, a leading edge cyberinfrastructure will calibrate, store and publish this information.  The Observatory includes more than 500+ personnel and is the first of its kind designed to detect and enable forecasting of ecological change at continental scales. For more information about the NEON project, visit https://www.neonscience.org/ .

We are currently seeking Field Ecologists with an Instrumentation focus, at several different levels and locations. Responsibilities include:

*         Test, troubleshoot and operate instruments, sensors, calibration equipment and test fixtures.

*         Inspect and maintain civil infrastructure including boom arms, sensor mounts, towers, boardwalks and instrument huts.

*         Record activities, completed work and trouble tickets according to Field Operations protocol.

*         Computer interfacing with sensors for troubleshooting and remote monitoring purposes (i.e. PuTTY, specific sensor software, SAS or other visual analytic tool)

*         Example of relevant instrumentation: Eddy Covariance turbulent exchange and storage exchange sensors, aspirated air temperature sensors, anemometers (2D and 3D), photometer, pyranometer, LI-840A, Picarro G2131-I or L2130-I, Mass flow controllers/meters, Radiometers, LI-7200, soil sensors including - salinity/moisture, CO2, heat flux, wet deposition, precipitation gauges (DFIR, tipping bucket, throughfalls), humidity probe, barometer, SUNA (Submersible Ultraviolet Nitrate analyzer), multiparameter sonde, and pressure transducers

For more information about the position and to apply:

Field Ecologist I - Instrumentation - D10/13 Colorado: https://performancemanager8.successfactors.com/sfcareer/jobreqcareer?jobId=67539&company=battelle&username=

Field Ecologist I - Instrumentation - D02 Virginia: https://performancemanager8.successfactors.com/sfcareer/jobreqcareer?jobId=67498&company=battelle&username=

Senior Field Ecologist - Instrumentation - D18/19 Alaska: https://performancemanager8.successfactors.com/sfcareer/jobreqcareer?jobId=67423&company=battelle&username=

Hannah Eichenberger-Gay
Office: 720.330.1669
heichenberger-gay at battelleecology.org<mailto:heichenberger-gay at battelleecology.org>

1685 38th Street Suite 100.
Boulder, CO 80301

Connect with Battelle:
LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/neon-science?trk=prof-following-company-logo> | Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/NEONScienceData>
Twitter<https://twitter.com/NEON_Sci> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/neonscience>

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