[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoc on tropical cirrus modeling at KIT, Germany
Voigt, Aiko (IMK)
aiko.voigt at kit.edu
Wed Apr 17 09:07:35 MDT 2019
Postdoctoral position in high-resolution modeling of tropical cirrus clouds
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Meteorology and
Climate Research – Department Troposphere Research, Karlsruhe, Germany
The research group of Dr. Aiko Voigt wishes to recruit a postdoctoral
scientist to work on tropical cirrus clouds and their modeling in ICON.
The position is part of the DFG-funded project „TropiC - Understanding
tropical cirrus by combining laboratory cloud simulation and field
experiments with process and circulation modelling“, and contributes to
the international NSF-PIRE collaboration on cirrus clouds led by the
University of Chicago.
Tropical cirrus and their radiative interactions play a key role in the
climate system and for the atmospheric circulation, including the
monsoons and the tropical rain belts. To better understand cirrus, the
DFG project combines experiments at the AIDA cloud chamber,
process-based box modeling, and high-resolution large-scale modeling
with ICON. The project partners include Dr. Ottmar Möhler (KIT) and
Martina Krämer (Forschungszentrum Jülich). The project is linked to the
international NSF-PIRE collaboration, which includes partners from the
US (University of Chicago, University of Washington, Harvard,
Princeton), France (Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique) and
Switzerland (ETH Zürich).
The advertised position aims to clarify how horizontal resolution,
vertical resolution and cloud microphysics affect the ability of the
climate and weather model ICON to simulate cirrus, and how this affects
the circulation and climate change. To this end, a hierarchy of ICON
simulations will be performed ranging from global low-resolution setups
(80 km horizontal resolution) to limited-area high-resolution setups (2
km), and with different vertical resolution and cloud microphysical
schemes. Furthermore, pseudo-global warming simulations in the
limited-area model setup are planned to study the cirrus response to
climate change. The model results will be compared to process-based box
models from the Jülich partner, to observational data from the
Stratoclim campaign, as well as to model results from the international
NSF-PIRE partners.
We are seeking enthusiastic applicants with a doctoral degree in
meteorology, atmospheric science or climate science and a proven track
record in research. Experience in numerical modeling and large-scale
atmospheric dynamics is required, experience with the ICON model is a
plus. The position requires good communication skills and the abilitiy
to work in a team as well as independently. The position offers the
possibility to closely interact with German and international
colleagues, and to participate in the annual NSF-PIRE meeting in the US.
The position is remunerated according to TV-L E13 with extensive social
and health care benefits. The start date is flexible – with a preferred
start date of January 1, 2020. Review of applications will begin on May
15, 2019 and will continue until the position is filled.
For questions about the position, please contact Dr. Aiko Voigt
(aiko.voigt at kit.edu). Applications shall be directed to Dr. Aiko Voigt
via email in one pdf-file and shall include (1) a CV with a list of
publications, (2) a letter of motivation (1 page maximum), and (3)
contact details of at least two references. More information about the
NSF-PIRE collaboration can be found at
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research - Department Troposphere Research
Dr. Aiko Voigt
Group leader
Phone: +49 721 608 24324
aiko.voigt at kit.edu
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