[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD position in energy-environment nexus at Penn State

Peng, Wei wei_peng at hks.harvard.edu
Mon Oct 22 08:09:20 MDT 2018

Hi -

My name is Wei Peng, an assistant professor at Penn State. Would you please include the following PhD position advertisement of my group in the email to the group?



PhD Position in Energy – Environment Nexus

Summary: Dr. Wei Peng’s lab (http://www.weipengenergy.com) at the Penn State University is seeking 1-2 motivated PhD students to conduct interdisciplinary research on energy-environment nexus beginning fall 2019.
The focus of the research group is to evaluate the environmental implications of energy policies, quantify the synergies and tradeoffs between multiple environmental objectives, and inform energy policy in both emerging markets (e.g. China and India) and advanced economies (e.g. USA) to align decarbonization efforts with local environmental and socioeconomic priorities.
We are especially looking for students interested in the following topics:

  *   State- and locally-driven climate action to simultaneously address local priorities (e.g. clean air and water, public health, jobs)
  *   Air quality and health impacts of energy activities
  *   Energy infrastructure development and the resulting synergies/tradeoffs between air quality, water and climate objectives
Successful applicants will work primarily with Dr. Peng, with opportunities to collaborate with other faculty and researchers within and outside Penn State, e.g. Penn State School of International Affairs, Johns Hopkins University, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Peking University, etc.

Qualifications: Students with strong quantitative backgrounds and an interest in policy applications are particularly encouraged to apply. Prior knowledge on atmospheric chemistry and transport modeling, health impact assessment, integrated assessment modeling or energy systems modeling would be valuable but not required.

Application process: Please apply through the PhD program in Environmental Engineering in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (https://www.cee.psu.edu/academics/graduate/degrees-and-requirements.aspx#PhD). The deadline for full financial consideration for admission in fall 2019 is December 31, 2018.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Dr. Peng before applying to discuss mutual interests (wei_peng at hks.harvard.edu). Please include the following information in the email: a) CV, b) specific topics you hope to work on and why, c) how would you contribute to our group, d) a brief summary of your research experience and skills.

Wei Peng
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Environment and Natural Resources Program
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Harvard Kennedy School
Personal Website<https://www.weipengenergy.com/><https://sites.google.com/site/weipengprinceton/>
wei_peng at hks.harvard.edu
(+1) 609-937-8693
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