[ES_JOBS_NET] tenure track position, Large-Scale Ecologist, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado at Boulder

Christine Wiedinmyer Christine.Wiedinmyer at Colorado.EDU
Sun Oct 21 20:29:50 MDT 2018

Tenure track faculty position
Large-Scale Ecologist
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Colorado at Boulder


 Applicants should be encouraged to contact me directly if they have any questions at nichole.barger at colorado.edu<mailto:nichole.barger at colorado.edu>.

Position Description:

The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder invites applications for an ecologist working at the ecosystem, landscape or global scale at the Assistant Professor (tenure track) level. We seek an individual who addresses the influence of environmental change (including climate, land use, disturbance, biological invasions, or pollution) on ecological patterns, processes, and trends at large spatial scales. Expertise could include: ecological consequences of spatial heterogeneity; interactions of large-scale biotic and abiotic factors; system-level approaches to complex dynamics; integration of structure and process across multiple scales; global patterns in ecosystem functions, resilience, or biodiversity; or in the development of theory or data analytics to address large-scale datasets. System-level expertise may be in any area, including terrestrial, aquatic, or linked terrestrial-aquatic systems that range from natural to human-dominated.

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