[ES_JOBS_NET] ES_Jobs_NET EPA - EFED Biologist GS 9/11 Vacancy Announcement Has Posted

Patricia Engel engelpatricia at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 09:31:26 MDT 2018

A great group to work with!


Patricia Engel

---------- Forwarded message ---------

EFED is excited to share the announcement for multiple *Biologist positions*.
The vacancy announcement was posted to *USAJOBS *

Delegated Examining/Merit Promotion

Please share this information.




*Series and Grade Announced:*


*FPPS/WTTS Numbers*

*18 1684034/139884*

*Location of Position:*

*Arlington, VA*

*Area of Consideration:*

*U. S. Citizens*

*Position Type:*


*Opening Date:*

*October 15, 2018*

*Closing Date:*

*October 19, 2018*

*Number of Vacancies:*


*Position Risk Designation:*


The link is: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/513602000

(Under key word, you can type in the announcement number.  Check the “U.S.
Citizens” block to search for DE announcements.)
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