[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD, Burlington VT,

Nora Shahoud Nora.Shahoud at uvm.edu
Mon Nov 26 12:13:06 MST 2018

Please post the following PhD positions.

The Gund Institute<https://www.uvm.edu/gund?Page=news&storyID=24381&category=gund> for Environment at the University of Vermont (UVM) is recruiting exceptional PhD students to start fall 2019. The Gund Institute is a newly expanded campus-wide center for interdisciplinary research, where more than 150 faculty, global affiliates, post-docs, and graduate students collaborate widely to understand the interactions among ecological, social, and economic systems. Review of applications will begin on January 18 and continue until all positions are filled. Applicants need to apply separately to the UVM PhD program of interest.
The Gund Institute focuses on environmental issues at the interface of four pressing themes: climate solutions<https://www.uvm.edu/node/253329>, health and well-being<https://www.uvm.edu/node/253331>, sustainable agriculture<https://www.uvm.edu/node/253330>, and resilient communities<https://www.uvm.edu/node/253328>.  We are committed to ensuring an inclusive environment where diverse voices and perspectives are active and welcome.
Gund Institute Research Assistantship<https://www.uvm.edu/gund/gund-phd-research-assistantships>: We seek PhD students working on the Gund Institute's four research themes, and especially the connections among them. Student's primary advisor must be a Gund Fellow<https://www.uvm.edu/gund/faculty-fellows>. Students will receive up to four years of support at $32,000 per year, typically three years of this assistantship plus a fourth year of teaching assistantships or other support from the home department. Also covered with this assistantship are tuition and UVM's student health insurance.  Funded students also will have access to funds for conference participation and research costs.  Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously studied at UVM and who already have a Master's degree, but all qualified candidates will be considered.  These assistantships are for individuals who have not yet started their PhDs.
Gund Institute Barrett Assistantship: <https://www.uvm.edu/gund/leadership-ecozoic>  This assistantship opportunity is the result of a collaboration between the Gund Institute and the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (CEMS) at UVM, and is supported by the Richard Barrett Foundation. Selected students will receive up to four years of funding renewed annually based on performance. These funds cover an annual stipend of $35,000, tuition, and UVM's student health insurance. Students must have a Gund Fellow as their primary advisor who is also a faculty member in Engineering (Biomedical, Civil, Electrical, Environmental, and Mechanical Engineering) and pursue a doctoral degree in one of the departments in CEMS.  These fellowships are open to existing UVM graduate students as well as new applicants. These fellows will also have access to funds for conference participation and research costs.  These fellows will be required to help mentor undergraduate Barrett summer scholars working on environmental research.
Applications will be reviewed against four main criteria: academic qualifications, research experience, clearly articulated research interests and alignment with potential advisor(s), and fit with the Gund's thematic focus areas and commitment to diversity and inclusiveness.

  1.  Contact potential advisors directly to discuss your interests. Identify a Gund Fellow<http://www.uvm.edu/gund/faculty-fellows> who can serve as your advisor.
  2.  Apply to the appropriate UVM college or school<https://www.uvm.edu/graduate/application_instructions> by its deadline<https://www.uvm.edu/graduate/programs/degrees_and_deadlines_apply> (deadlines vary among schools). Barrett Fellows must apply to one of the departments within the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences. Indicate in your application statement that you are applying for a Gund Institute Research and/or Barrett Assistantship.
  3.  Complete the separate Gund Institute Application
     *   Click the "apply" button on the upper right of this page
     *   If you are not affiliated with UVM you will need to use the "Login for Other Users" option. You will see a "Register" button on the bottom right. Click this button and create an account with a user name and password. You will then be able to log into the system using the "Login for Other Users" box.
     *   Applications must include a C.V. and statement of interest. In the statement of interest, be sure to address how your interests and experience align with the Gund Institute themes, especially any interactions among them. Also be sure to address how your background, research, and/or experience would contribute to a diverse and inclusive environment. Describe any initial conversations with potential advisors.  Please put your name at the top of your statement.

Nora Shahoud
Assistant to the Director
Gund Institute For Environment
University of Vermont
617 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05405
Telephone: (802) 656-2906
Email: nora.shahoud at uvm.edu<mailto:nora.shahoud at uvm.edu>
Web: https://www.uvm.edu/gund

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