[ES_JOBS_NET] Assistant Staff Scientist, Malin Space Science Systems, Inc, (San Diego, CA)

Christine Wiedinmyer Christine.Wiedinmyer at Colorado.EDU
Thu Mar 29 14:53:40 MDT 2018


Malin Space Science Systems, Inc. (MSSS) is looking for an entry-level geoscientist to join our Science Group.
MSSS operates CTX, MSL and JUNO cameras from its facility in San Diego, CA.
As an Assistant Staff Scientist for the MRO CTX camera, you will use in-house software to examine Mars images and to target new events using a database of defined plans.
1.    Candidate will be trained in imaging the surface of Mars using the Context Camera (CTX) onboard Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), and in selecting targets primarily from the existing database. A major part of the targeting process is to examine previous images of Mars.
2.    Candidate will assist with PDS archiving deliverables.
3.    Candidate will assist with generating maps, specific research projects and performing data analysis as requested and directed.
4.    Candidate is expected to document their work thoroughly. In connection with this function good organizational skills are essential.
5.    Candidate will support maintenance of shell scripts (includes awk/sed, Python), which are used for targeting purposes.
6.    Candidate is expected to work closely with other members of the Science Group, and also be self-sufficient.
7.    Candidate will assist MSSS science personnel in scientific research, as requested and directed.
QUALIFICATIONS: Degree in the Geosciences.
Our successful candidate will be a quick study, have high attention to detail, possess the ability to multi-task, and meet demanding weekly deadlines. They must also possess strong communication skills, both written and oral.
This position requires strong UNIX skills.
Other highly desirable skills include:
*         Programming experience (shell scripting, C/C++)
*         Ability to understand remote sensing data
*         Experience with DEM generation, 3D models, and experience with DEM software
*         Knowledge and experience with statistical methods of data analysis
*         Experience using command line mapping and image processing packages (ISIS, IDL, GDAL, GMT, ImageMagick)
Knowledge and experience in geology/geography of Mars is advantageous for this position, and previous involvement in geoscience work is also beneficial.

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