[ES_JOBS_NET] Fwd: **New Vacancies at ECMWF**

Anna Ghelli anna.ghelli at ecmwf.int
Mon Mar 19 19:06:46 MDT 2018

Please consider applying! a range of exciting opportunities (from director to team leader and analyst). 
Circulate as widely as possible among women networks 



Dr. Anna Ghelli (FRMetS) 
International Liaisons 
ECMWF, Shinfield Park, 
Reading RG2 9AX, UK 
ph: +44 1189 499 425 
fax: +44 1189 869 450 
email: anna.ghelli at ecmwf.int 

Dear colleagues, 

Published on the ECMWF jobs pages today - some exciting opportunities to share with you all. 

Director of Computing 
Ref.: n/a 
Category: STF-C 
Closing date: 23 April 2018, noon 

Please note applications for this position must be submitted via Berwick Partners - see: 

Production Analyst - environmental applications forecasts 
Ref.: VN18-15 
Grade: A2 
Category: STF-PL 
Closing date: 26 April 2018 

Senior Analyst -Team Leader Observations in the Production Section 
Ref.: VN18-016 
Category - STF-C 
Closing date: 30 April 2018 

For further inform at ion or to apply on line, please visit the jobs pages on our website: 


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