[ES_JOBS_NET] FW: Postdoc @ JRC in the field of terrestrial ecosystems in Arctic and Boreal regions

Christine Wiedinmyer Christine.Wiedinmyer at Colorado.EDU
Tue Mar 13 09:27:08 MDT 2018

Dear colleagues,

We are currently seeking a postdoc to perform research on terrestrial ecosystems in Arctic and Boreal regions. I'd appreciate it if you could forward the related information below and the attached note to suitable mailing lists within your institution and potentially interested candidates you may know. Thanks!



The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) is seeking a highly motivated post-doc to work in the field of terrestrial ecosystems in Arctic and Boreal regions. Details on the job profile are summarised in the attached note and at the following links.

Deadline for application: 05/04/2018



Code: 2018-IPR-D1-FGIV-9690

Title:  FG IV - Project Officer in the field of terrestrial ecosystems in Arctic and Boreal regions

Deadline: 05/04/2018


Dr. Thomas Diehl - Scientific Officer

European Commission
Joint Research Centre
Directorate for Sustainable Resources
Bio-Economy Unit
Via Enrico Fermi 2749, TP261
21027 Ispra (VA), Italy
Phone: +39 0332 78 6629
thomas.diehl at ec.europa.eu<mailto:thomas.diehl at ec.europa.eu>
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