[ES_JOBS_NET] Assistant or Associate Professor in Spatial Science of Coupled Natural-Human Systems, University of Michigan

Christine Wiedinmyer Christine.Wiedinmyer at Colorado.EDU
Sat Jun 30 16:14:08 MDT 2018

Assistant or Associate Professor in Spatial Science of Coupled Natural-Human Systems
University of Michigan  - Ann Arbor, MI

How to Apply

To apply, submit application materials (in a single PDF file), via the following web address: http://seas.umich.edu/employment. For assistance or further information, you may contact SEAS.faculty.search.staff at umich.edu.

Applications should include (1) a cover letter; (2) CV; (3) a concise personal statement describing your vision and plans for research, teaching and societal engagement; (4) a one-page statement on how you have or plan to contribute to diversity efforts, and (5) a list of three academic references with contact information.

Job Summary

The School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) at the University of Michigan is seeking applications for a full-time, nine-month, tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor in Spatial Science of Coupled Natural-Human Systems.

This position offers the exciting potential to take leadership in the areas of GIS and spatial analysis at the University of Michigan. This includes directorship of the SEAS Environmental Spatial Analysis (ESALab), which is a faculty research space equipped with high-end workstations and a lab manager.

We seek candidates whose work advances the frontiers of knowledge in natural-human system processes and relationships at diverse scales using theories, methods, and tools of spatial science. Topical areas of interest are broad. These could include human dimensions of global change as they relate to biodiversity loss, land-cover/land-use change, climate change, ecosystem services and valuation, material and energy flows, urbanization, and environmental degradation, among others.


The successful candidate will be expected to:

  *   Develop a widely recognized research program that attracts external funding and contributes to the interdisciplinary mission of the School;
  *   Support SEAS's teaching mission at both graduate and undergraduate levels, including mentoring and supervising doctoral and master's students;
  *   Contribute to the stewardship of SEAS, the University, relevant professions and society through service, collaboration and engagement.

Required Qualifications*

  *   Candidates need to have strong capabilities in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, and/or other forms of spatial science, and to incorporate this as an integral core of their work.
  *   Candidates must have a Ph.D., and we are interested in candidates from a range of disciplines, including geography, anthropology, urban planning, ecology, hydrology, environmental science, computational or data science, engineering, public health, social sciences, or related fields.
  *   We are also interested in candidates who may be combining disciplines in interesting or novel ways.
  *   Candidates at the Assistant level must have a strong record of scholarly publication, evidence of teaching potential in a multidisciplinary setting, as well as other activities demonstrating a potential for and/or trajectory towards national and international recognition.
  *   Those at the Associate level should demonstrate teaching excellence in a multidisciplinary setting, and a publication record and activities that reflect accomplishments as a nationally and internationally recognized scholar.

Mission Statement

SEAS's mission is to contribute to the protection of the Earth's resources and the achievement of a sustainable and just society. The School contributes new scientific knowledge, visionary leadership, and trained professionals toward that end. The faculty of the School is diverse, with natural scientists, social scientists, engineers, and designers working collaboratively in an integrative setting. A professional school set within a major research university, SEAS provides a model of interdisciplinary and applied research and a focal point of research, teaching and societal engagement on sustainability. Recently renamed with an expanded mission, the School is hiring six new faculty during 2018. The School focuses on key cross-cutting sustainability themes, including climate and energy; water; food, land use and agriculture; conservation and restoration; and cities, the built environment, and mobility.

At SEAS we are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive and equitable environment that respects diverse experiences, promotes generous listening and communications, and discourages and restoratively responds to acts of discrimination, harassment, or injustice. Our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion is deeply rooted? in? our values for a sustainable and just society.

Application Deadline

Review of applications will begin on September 14, 2018 and continue until the position is filled. SEAS hopes to appoint a faculty member to this position to begin Fall 2019.

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