[ES_JOBS_NET] 2 Year Post Doctoral Position at Oregon State University in Sea Ice Dynamics.

Jennifer Hutchings jhutchin at coas.oregonstate.edu
Mon Jun 25 22:52:36 MDT 2018

Sea ice is a highly dynamic thin crust on the polar oceans. It has one 
of the largest seasonalities
in the Earth’s crysophere, with wind and ocean driven motion damped by 
seasonally evolving
mechanical deformation of the ice pack. We can observe this mechanical 
behavior with both insitu
observations and remote sensing. To date, models of sea ice dynamics do 
not capture the
observed deformation and are not skillful in predictions of ice drift 
and deformation. This
position is an opportunity to join our National Science Foundation 
funded team to improve
models of Arctic ice pack mechanical processes. Sea ice in winter is a 
quasi-brittle or granular
material, depending on location and conditions, and sea ice rheological 
models used in climate
projections were designed with assumptions that have been found to be 
flawed. If you have a
background in structural mechanics, mechanics of any particular 
materials, structural geology,
rheological properties of any material, sea ice mechanics, you will have 
and develop skills
transferable to the project. We are looking for a recent Ph.D. who has 
interests in geophysics,
though not necessarily a background in this. One-on-one training in sea 
ice dynamics and
mechanics will be provided.

The Research Associate (Post Doc) will work with Principal Investigators 
(PIs) Jenny Hutchings
and Anton Kulchitsky in investigating the physical mechanisms 
controlling sea ice deformation
in the Arctic winter. They will contribute to development of a Discrete 
Element Method model
of sea ice. Oregon State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal 
Opportunity employer, and
particularly encourage applications from members of historically 
underrepresented racial/ethnic
groups, women, individuals with disabilities, veterans, LGBTQ community 
members, and others
who demonstrate the ability to help us achieve our vision of a diverse 
and inclusive community.
Please make enquiries to Dr. Jenny Hutchings 
(jhutchings at coas.oregonstate.edu). Applications
are due by September 15 2018 at 

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