[ES_JOBS_NET] Post Doc position at the Division of Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute, University of Bern

Christine Wiedinmyer christine.wiedinmyer.ucar at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 11:19:39 MDT 2018

Post Doc position at the Division of Climate and Environmental Physics,
Physics Institute, University of Bern.


Details are found under



The Division of Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute, 

University of Bern, opens a position for a


*Postdoc on complex Earth System Modeling of Glacial Times

(100%, 2 years, with the potential of a 3rd year)




The Climate Modeling research group of Prof. Dr. Christoph Raible at the 

Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR, 

http://www.oeschger.unibe.ch) of the University of Bern has an opening 

for a postdoctoral scientist with expertise in using complex Earth 

System Models (ESM) to understand climate variability during glacial times.


Highly motivated candidates with a research interest in paleoclimatology 

and a demonstrated strong background in complex Earth System Modeling on 

a global scale will be considered. The position is funded by Nagra 

(National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste) and 

contributes to the project "High resolution glacial climate conditions 

over the Alps (HicAp)".


Modeling and understanding climate conditions and changes on time scales 

up to 1 million years remains one of the grand challenges in climate 

sciences. These time scales are of particular relevance when repository 

for nuclear waste shall be found. The final aim of the project is to 

characterize the climate evolution over the Alps during glacial times. 

This part of the project will focus on assessing the global climate in 

the parameter space given by orbital forcing and global ice sheet 

extent. The candidate will design, perform, and analyze ESM (CESM) model 

simulations to investigate dynamical processes in the atmosphere over 

the Atlantic European region. The candidate will provide boundary 

conditions for the dynamical downscaling part of the project conducted 

by a second PostDoc.


The successful candidate will be hosted at the Climate Modeling Group in 

the Climate- and Environmental Physics division. He/she will closely 

collaborate with the other PostDoc in the project, the partner project 

at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), the project 

partner Nagra and other research teams of the Oeschger Centre working on 

paleoclimate proxy reconstructions.


The ideal candidate holds a PhD in meteorology, atmospheric sciences, 

physics or environmental sciences and has demonstrated experience in 

complex Earth System Modeling (e.g., CESM) and very good English 

language skills. A competitive publication record and strong 

interpersonal skills are further assets. The candidate will have the 

possibility to co-supervise MSc and PhD students. Applications from 

female candidates are encouraged.


The position is available from September 2018 or upon arrangement. Gross 

salary depends on age and experience according to University 

regulations. Review of applicants starts on July 1, 2018 and continues 

until the position is filled.


Complete applications include a cover letter, CV, brief (1 page) 

statement of research interests and addresses of 3 referees (all in one 

PDF file). Informal inquiries are welcome, although we do not have the 

capacity to respond to all queries. Please upload the application to 





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