[ES_JOBS_NET] graduate student positions in Ecohydraulics

Kelly Kibler Kelly.Kibler at ucf.edu
Thu Feb 1 07:34:02 MST 2018

The University of Central Florida anticipates hiring two positions in the area of Ecohydraulics to support research projects funded by NSF and the National Estuaries Program.

Two funded Graduate Research Assistant positions (either M.Sc. or Ph.D.) are available starting Fall 2018. Successful candidates will study towards a M.Sc. or Ph.D. in Civil Engineering in the Water Resources Engineering group at UCF's Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering. Selected candidate will support funded, interdisciplinary research focused on feedbacks between hydrodynamic processes, vegetation (mangroves, seagrasses and emergent marsh grasses), oyster reefs and sediment transport within aquatic restoration sites. It is possible for students to start their field work during the summer field season (May-August 2018).


*       B.Sc. or M.Sc. degree in Water Resources, Civil, Environmental, Biological or Ecological Engineering, or in a related area (Hydrology, Geomorphology, Marine or other relevant Earth Sciences) from an accredited institution before August 2018.

*       Strong quantitative background (both coursework and professional or research experience) in hydrology/hydraulics. Experience with coding and analysis in MATLAB is a plus.

*       Interest or relevant experience in Ecohydrology or Ecohydraulics.

*       Excellent oral and written communication skills. For Ph.D., prior record of published scholarly work is a plus.

*       Field experience in aquatic environments (boating experience a plus).

*       Experience in Experimental Hydraulics and/or interest in acoustic velocimetry (ADCP, ADV).

*       Willingness to be a team player. Please see details here: http://ecohydraulics.weebly.com/join-us.html

Applicants must apply and be accepted to UCF's Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering. If you plan to apply, please send a CV and writing sample (preferably work on which you are the first author) to Dr. Kelly Kibler at kelly.kibler at ucf.edu<mailto:kelly.kibler at ucf.edu>.

Kelly Kibler
Assistant Professor
Water Resources Engineering
Associate Editor, Journal of Hydrology

University of Central Florida
Department of Civil, Environmental & Construction Engineering and
National Center for Integrated Coastal Research
office: Engineering II, 442H
Tel: +1 (407) 823-4150<tel:+1%20(407)%20823-4150> | Fax: +1 (407) 823-3315<tel:+1%20(407)%20823-3315>

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