[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral Research Associate, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Christine Wiedinmyer Christine.Wiedinmyer at Colorado.EDU
Fri Dec 28 13:41:00 MST 2018

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Position Title

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Earth & Environmental Sciences

Advertised Title

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Earth & Environmental Sciences


Troy, NY Campus

Search Number


Full Time/Part Time

Full Time


School of Science

Business Unit

Earth and Environmental Sciences Department

Job Summary

The Postdoctoral Research Associate performs advanced research in specified field and serves as a technical resource in one or more research areas within the Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences. http://rpijobs.rpi.edu/postings/2828

Minimum Qualifications

-Ph.D. (or foreign degree equivalent) in a field directly related to the PI's area of research must be conferred on or before the commencement of appointment.

Preferred Qualifications

Minimum Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

- Computer literacy, including ability to use a variety of software packages to analyze and present data
- Ability to collect, record and interpret data using appropriate field specific systems, equipment and techniques
- Ability to set up and conduct sound experimental procedures
- Ability to communicate data and results in a clear, concise manner
- Ability to maintain accurate and detailed records
- Ability to understand and follow directions; must be able to work closely with others
- Excellent analytical, reasoning and problem solving skills
- Ability to work under pressure and meet inflexible deadlines
- Knowledge of and ability to pay strict attention to research protocol
- Ability to remain calm and composed when dealing with difficult situations or people

Preferred Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities


Job Posted Date

In order to receive full consideration you must apply by

Job Close Date

New/Replacement Position


Other Position Requirements

Additional Information

The Postdoctoral Research Associate performs advanced research in specified field and serves as a technical resource in one or more research areas within the Department. The Postdoctoral Research Associate performs original research through self-direction and as part of a research team and tailors research efforts to the needs of the supporting groups from industry and/or government.

Instructions for Applying

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