[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD positions in Data Science of the Natural Environment | Lancaster University, UK | UK/EU funding only

Young, Paul paul.j.young at lancaster.ac.uk
Fri Dec 21 07:00:01 MST 2018

The Data Science of the Natural Environment<http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/dsne> (DSNE) project is a 4-year, £2.6M interdisciplinary research programme that brings together environmental scientists, computer scientists, data scientists and statisticians from Lancaster University and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.

Associated with DSNE, we are advertising several PhD positions across environmental data science, including those that are environment-led, methods-led and social science-led. It is expected that we will fund 5 PhD positions from the range of projects that we are advertising.

Information on the advertised PhD projects can be found here<https://www.dropbox.com/s/95mp9q9rh1h8dho/DSNE_PhD_advertisement.pdf?dl=0>, including more details on the application process.

Application deadline: 5pm (GMT), 4th February 2019.

General enquiries: dsne at lancaster.ac.uk<mailto:dsne at lancaster.ac.uk>

Unfortunately, the PhD funding is only for UK and EU applicants.
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