[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Air Quality Modeling, NC State University

Christine Wiedinmyer Christine.Wiedinmyer at Colorado.EDU
Sun Dec 16 08:52:02 MST 2018


Classification Title:
Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Working Title:
Postdoctoral Research Scholar
NC State University
Job Summary:
The primary duties will include the development, improvement, application, and evaluation of 3-D air quality models from global to street level, climate models, and Earth system models. Example models include WRF/Chem and its variants such as WRF/Chem-MADRID or WRF-CAM5, CMAQ, and CESM/CAM5. The model development will focus on aerosol chemistry and microphysics (e.g., secondary organic aerosol formation), aerosol-cloud-precipitation-climate feedbacks, and chemical data assimilation. Model applications include short-term real-time air quality forecasting, long-term simulations under current and future year emission/energy/climate scenarios to study the impacts of global climate changes on air quality as well as impact of changed air quality on regional and global climate and Earth system. The postdoc scholar is expected to disseminate research results at national/international conferences and peer-reviewed journal papers. He or she is also expected to provide support needed by the project P.I. in completing technical tasks and reports and meeting technical requirements and deadline.
Minimum Qualifications:
Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate (e.g., M.D., D.V.M., Sc.D.) in appropriate field awarded no more than five (5) years from initial date of postdoctoral appointment. PhD degree in atmospheric sciences, environmental/chemical engineering or closely related field with a strong interdisciplinary background in atmospheric chemistry, cloud/aerosol microphysics and chemistry, climate/meteorology, data assimilation, as well as 3-D air quality/climate modeling experience on linux computer/supercomputer systems
Position Number:
Posting Date:

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