[ES_JOBS_NET] Requesting your help

TRACEY HOLLOWAY taholloway at wisc.edu
Tue Apr 24 15:56:59 MDT 2018

Dear ES_Jobs Community,

Whether you are a job-seeker or a job-poster, a student or an established scientist… we hope you’ve found the Earth Science Jobs Network to be a valuable career and community resource.  To support this and related programs, we invite you to participate in our largest outreach and fundraising event:

Science-A-Thon (scienceathon.org<http://scienceathon.org>).

Last year, the 200 scientists participating in Science-A-Thon raised $50,000 for ESWN, and this year we are hoping to engage and even wider community!  Science-A-Thon is an online event, so you can participate from wherever you are. All you do is sign up on Twitter or Instagram (very easy! free!) and post 12 photos of your day over 12 hours … basically showing what science looks like around the world, for students and professionals, in all fields. You can pick any day June 18-22 (or earlier!) to post your day on social media. If you’re already involved in social media and science outreach - this is for you! If you’re not — this is a great way to devote 1 day and have a big impact. We will list you on our website<https://www.scienceathon.org/meet-our-scientists>, send you a cool t-shirt, and help promote you and your day.

To register, go to https://one.bidpal.net/scienceathon/welcome

You can register for $25 (standard), $100 (“leader), help us fundraise through Crowdrise<https://www.crowdrise.com/o/en/campaign/science-a-thon-2018>, and we have free registration codes on request (just email scienceathon at gmail.com<mailto:scienceathon at gmail.com>).

As you may know this jobs network is hosted by the National Center for Atmsopheric Research (NCAR) and run by the Earth Science Women’s Network (ESWN). ESWN is a 501c3 non-profit, supporting women in the geoscience, and more — we have many resources for men and women, and we are expand our scope from earth to all STEM. Not only this jobs list, but events and workshops at professional meetings, advice and tips on our website ESWNonline.org<http://ESWNonline.org>, and engagement with scientific societies to support early career faculty and diversity.

In addition to reaching the public and helping ESWN, Science-a-thon is a great chance for scientists to promote themselves and their work. Participating can help scientists develop the outreach and broader impacts portions of their CVs, and give scientists an opportunity to build a portfolio of photos portraying their work, which they can draw from for presentations and websites.

If you’d rather not participate personally, please consider donating:


Any amount really makes a difference, and your support ensures that we can continue promoting community and careers with programs like the Earth Science Jobs Network.

Thank you very much for considering - hope to see you at Science-A-Thon!

Tracey Holloway
Chair, Science-A-Thon; Board Member, ESWN
Gaylord Nelson Distinguished Professor
Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
University of Wisconsin—Madison

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