[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD candidate, Long Range Transport of Air Pollution, IASS Potsdam

Christine Wiedinmyer Christine.Wiedinmyer at Colorado.EDU
Mon Sep 18 08:20:51 MDT 2017

At IASS Potsdam we are looking for a PhD candidate to work on the topic of Long Range Transport of Air Pollution.

The successful applicant will primarily investigate the long range, intercontinental transport of air pollution, with an emphasis on tropospheric ozone, including attribution to geographical source regions and emission sectors through the use of chemical tagging techniques. Additional, complementary research themes could include development of emission scenarios, development of chemical budgeting and source attribution techniques, and investigation of chemistry-climate interactions, depending on the prior experience and interests of the applicant. The research will be performed with the Community Earth System Model (CESM).

Candidates are expected to have a masters degree (or be in the final stages of completing a masters degree) in an atmospheric science related field. Experience with scientific computing (including Linux, FORTRAN, and scripting languages such as perl, python, or R) is essential. Knowledge of atmospheric chemistry and prior experience with the CESM or a similar model would be an advantage.

Further details, including application instructions, are available here: http://www.iass-potsdam.de/sites/default/files/files/aq-2017-03_20170911.pdf

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