[ES_JOBS_NET] post–doctorate research position, An Integrated Study of Air Pollutant Sources in the Delhi, Univ. of Surrey

Christine Wiedinmyer Christine.Wiedinmyer at Colorado.EDU
Thu Sep 7 10:41:46 MDT 2017


Applications are invited from enthusiastic and talented individuals for a post–doctorate research position as a part of a UK-India NERC funded consortium project, ASAP-Delhi: An Integrated Study of Air Pollutant Sources in the Delhi.

The position is available from 16 October 2017 for 28-months in the area of characterisation and apportionment of air pollution sources in Delhi through field monitoring and statistical modelling.

What do you need for the application?

(i) a maximum of 2-page curriculum vitae

(ii) a separate list of publications in maximum 2 pages

(iii) two references including one from your PhD supervisor if possible.

Interviews are expected to be held in mid-October, with the selected candidate able to start as soon as possible.

Details about the vacancy and application procedure are available here<https://jobs.surrey.ac.uk/vacancy.aspx?ref=069917>.

For informal enquiries please contact Professor Prashant Kumar<mailto:Professor%20Prashant%20Kumar> at p.kumar at surrey.ac.uk<mailto:p.kumar at surrey.ac.uk> or by telephone, +44 (0)1483 682762.

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