[ES_JOBS_NET] Vacancies on the Air Quality Expert Group, UK

Christine Wiedinmyer christine.wiedinmyer.ucar at gmail.com
Fri Sep 1 08:02:07 MDT 2017

Vacancies on the Air Quality Expert Group (AQEG)


The Air Quality Expert Group (AQEG) is a Defra Expert Committee providing
independent scientific advice on air quality to Defra and Devolved
Administration officials, Defra's Chief Scientific Adviser and Ministers.
AQEG considers current knowledge on air pollution to provide advice on
levels, sources and characteristics of air pollutants in the UK; analysis of
trends in pollutant concentrations; assess current and future ambient
concentrations of air pollutants in the UK; and suggest potential priority
areas for future research, aimed at providing a better understanding of the
issues around air pollution control.

Defra and the Devolved Administrations are recruiting for five new members
to join AQEG from 1st February 2018.

Members of the group are drawn from those with a proven track record in the
fields of air pollution research and practice. Members are required to:

.        contribute scientific analyses for group discussion;

.        analyse, interpret and synthesise evidence on air quality; 

.        provide judgements on quality and relevance of evidence; 

.        suggest priority areas for future work; 

.        provide advice on current and future levels, trends, sources and
characteristics of air pollutants in the UK; 

.        draft scientific reports in collaboration with other Committee

.        provide rapid, ad-hoc advice on specific issues where required.  

The expert members of AQEG will need significant air pollution expertise and
the ability to apply their knowledge and skills outside their specialist
area. They will be effective communicators with the ability to process and
interpret complex information and to translate it for a non-expert audience.
Members will have proven ability to put forwards their views and rigorously
challenge others.

The posts are part-time and voluntary, although modest travel and
subsistence costs are met and attendance and preparation fees paid. The
workload will vary, but on average AQEG members attend approximately 4-6
meetings per year, and work no more than 20 days per year.

Appointments will be based on merit, with independent assessment, openness
and transparency of process. The Government and devolved administrations are
committed to the principles of equal opportunities and welcome applications
from all sections of the Community regardless of gender, sexual orientation,
race, colour, ethnic origin, religion or disability. Women, representatives
of ethnic minority communities and people with disabilities are currently
under-represented on government committees and applications from these
groups are therefore particularly welcome.

If you are interested in serving and have the necessary qualifications and
experience, an information pack is available for download from: 

https://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/news?view=236  or from the AQEG secretariat,
email aqevidence at defra.gsi.gov.uk <mailto:aqevidence at defra.gsi.gov.uk>
including 'AQEG recruitment' in the email subject.

Closing date: 5 pm, 22nd September 2017

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