[ES_JOBS_NET] NCAR Associate Director - Research Applications Laboratory (RAL)

Macy Nedelka mnedelka at ucar.edu
Mon Oct 9 14:09:26 MDT 2017

Job opening at NCAR, interested applicants please submit an application on:

Tracking Code
18005Job Description

*NCAR Associate Director, Research Applications Laboratory (RAL)*

This is a regular, full-time position.

Relocation assistance is available for this position.

UCAR/NCAR will sponsor a work visa to fill this position.

*Where You Will Work*

Located in Boulder, Colorado, the National Center for Atmospheric Research
(NCAR) is a federally funded research and development center devoted to
service, research and education in the atmospheric and related sciences.
NCAR's mission is to understand the behavior of the atmosphere and related
Earth and Geospace systems; to support, enhance, and extend the
capabilities of the university community and the broader scientific
community, nationally and internationally; and to foster the transfer of
knowledge and technology for the betterment of life on Earth.

The NCAR Research Applications Laboratory (RAL) conducts directed research
aligned with the NCAR mission. In particular, RAL strives to be a
world-class leader in performing collaborative end-to-end research,
development, and technology transfer.

*What You Will Do*

Reporting to the NCAR Director, the Associate Director for RAL is
responsible for the overall scientific and strategic mission, productivity,
and excellence of the Laboratory.  This includes RAL’s vision and mission
and the leadership and management of the implementation of long- and
short-term planning that supports the RAL and NCAR mission.  The Director
is responsible for the effective management and administration of the
Laboratory, including program advocacy in a number of forums including
government agencies, the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
(UCAR) member and non-member institutions and the scientific community at

As a member of the NCAR Executive Committee, the director shares in NCAR
management deliberations and decisions, and provides advice on matters such
as scientific goals, initiatives and standards, budgets, priorities,
policies, and programs. *Responsibilities of this position include:*

*NCAR Leadership and Management Team*

   - Serves on the NCAR Executive Committee and promotes science
   opportunities by fostering interdisciplinary programs and stimulating and
   facilitating coordinated science between NCAR laboratories and within the
   research community.
   - Promotes new programs and major sources of funding in collaboration
   with universities and other institutions. Channels national and
   international community inputs into the NCAR planning process.
   - Formulates institutional programs, practices and priorities, ensuring
   the integrity of NCAR science and the organization's role in the science
   community; prioritizes scientific initiatives within NCAR.
   - Facilitates inter-laboratory science, engineering, tool sharing, and
   development. Optimizes development and acquisition of shared resources.
   - Represents the NCAR science program within NSF and other agencies, the
   university community and the national and international community.
   - May serve as Acting NCAR Director when the Director is absent.

*Research Applications Laboratory Leadership*

   - Develops RAL strategic plans, ensures implementation to maximize
   scientific opportunities, and financial and human resources. Initiates and
   implements large-scale activities.
   - Represents RAL science programs within NSF and other agencies, the
   university community, the national and international community, and
   internal and external constituents through public presentations and forums,
   written communication and interpersonal relationships.
   - Leads budget and program planning for RAL, including establishing
   budget priorities. Presents laboratory budget proposals to the NCAR
   Director and allocates laboratory budgets in consultation with the NCAR
   - Oversees and ensures the equity of the appointments, promotions,
   performance reviews and salary determination of laboratory staff, ensuring
   workforce diversity and excellence.
   - Willingness and ability to travel and/or successfully conduct program
   development on behalf of the laboratory in the U.S. and overseas.

 *What You Need (Minimum requirements)*

   - Experience managing a complex research organization, including
   planning and leading diverse scientific programs.
   - Sound technical and programmatic judgment, skill in strategic planning
   and implementation, budget development, and human resource planning to
   achieve broad goals and objectives.
   - High-level understanding of how weather and climate impacts issues of
   real importance to society. Meaningful participation in the scientific
   direction and evaluation of scientific research.
   - Proven visionary and inspirational leadership experience motivating
   others to achieve excellence individually and as a team.
   - Experience directing, developing, and evaluating a staff of widely
   varying backgrounds and experience.
   - Experience advocating support for an organization’s scientific agenda
   including obtaining and coordinating major research grants and contracts.
   - Advanced skill in written and oral communication, with the ability to
   excel in interpersonal communication.

*Education Requirement*

PhD in a science discipline relevant to the mission of the laboratory and
at least ten years’ experience managing complex science programs, or an
equivalent combination of education and experience.

*Desired Skills*

International recognition as a scientific leader in one or more areas of
Laboratory research and/or related areas, as demonstrated by a current
research record of considerable depth and breadth on topics relevant to the
Laboratory strategic mission, research and goals.

*Notes to Applicants*

Please provide a cover letter detailing how your experience fulfills the
job requirements.

*Macy Nedelka*

*Recruiting Coordinator*


*National Center for Atmospheric Research*

*University Corporation for Atmospheric Research*

mnedelka at ucar.edu

PO Box 3000

Boulder, CO  80307

*(303) 497-8723** Office*

*This communication may be confidential and is intended solely for the
recipient. If you receive a message in error, please immediately delete it.*
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