[ES_JOBS_NET] open TTF line at the University of Oregon in Data Science
Meredith Hastings
meredith_hastings at brown.edu
Mon Nov 27 09:56:12 MST 2017
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Hirth, Greg" <greg_hirth at BROWN.EDU>
> Subject: Fwd: Your assistance in advertising an open TTF line at the University of Oregon
> Date: November 27, 2017 at 9:55:54 AM EST
> Reply-To: "Hirth, Greg" <greg_hirth at BROWN.EDU>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Joe Sventek <jsventek at uoregon.edu <mailto:jsventek at uoregon.edu>>
> Date: Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 7:16 PM
> Subject: Your assistance in advertising an open TTF line at the University of Oregon
> To: Greg_Hirth at brown.edu <mailto:Greg_Hirth at brown.edu>
> Dear Greg Hirth:
> I am writing to you to request your assistance in advertising an assistant professor tenure line here at the University of Oregon to your post-docs and graduating PhD students. If you are not the correct individual to whom such requests should be addressed, please forward it to the appropriate individual.
> The UO is funding a Presidential Initiative in Data Science (https://provost.uoregon.edu/data-science <https://provost.uoregon.edu/data-science>); this position, for which the job description is attached, is one of the tenure lines in that initiative. The successful candidate will be an expert in applying machine learning techniques to data from one of four candidate domains: physics and astronomy, chemistry, earth sciences, and psychology. The position will be a joint appointment between the Computer and Information Science Department and the appropriate domain department, with the tenure home being Computer and Information Science.
> I would be most grateful if you could make your post-docs and graduating PhD students in Earth Sciences/Environmental Sciences/Geology aware of this opportunity. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. The application deadline for the position is 15 January 2018, or until the post is filled.
> Thank you in advance for your assistance.
> Joe Sventek
> Prof and Head
> Computer and Information Science Department
> University of Oregon
> jsventek at uoregon.edu <mailto:jsventek at uoregon.edu>
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