[ES_JOBS_NET] Seeking MS applicants for NSF-funded research on paleoagrohydrology

Erika Marín-Spiotta marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Fri Mar 3 15:17:47 MST 2017

I am seeking applicants to our MS program in Geography at the University of
North Texas for admission in the Fall of 2017.  I currently have NSF
funding for a student with interests in paleoagrohydrology and GIS for a
project in the Mesa Verde region of the American Southwest.  The project is
described on my website (http://nagaoka.weebly.com/projects.html) and the
NSF awards website (https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=
1460122&HistoricalAwards=false). Undergraduates who combine interests in
GIS, remote sensing, and geosciences would be ideal for this project.  If
chosen, that student would be funded as a research assistant for one year
and would be funded in a teaching assistantship in their second year.  We
have an excellent track record of publication with students and preparing
them to be top recruits into PhD programs in anthropology and biology.
Please share this with any suitable students.  For information on our
graduate program: http://geography.unt.edu/academic-programs/

Sincerely, Lisa Nagaoka

Department of Geography & the Environment

University of North Texas

Ph: 940.565.2510 <%28940%29%20565-2510>
Fax: 940.369.7550 <%28940%29%20369-7550>
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