[ES_JOBS_NET] GS-12 Research Geologist in Reston, VA

Lease, Richard rlease at usgs.gov
Thu Jan 12 11:54:07 MST 2017

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Roberts-Ashby, Tina <troberts-ashby at usgs.gov>
Date: Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 12:56 PM
Subject: Job Announcement for GS-12 Research Geologist in Reston, VA
To: GS-G-ER MRT All <gs-g-er_mrt_all at usgs.gov>, GS-G-ER ERT All <
GS-G-ER_ERT_All at usgs.gov>, Kaleb Blodgett <kkblodgett at usgs.gov>

Hello Everyone,

The following announcement will open tomorrow, and will run January 13th
through January 27th.  It is for two positions for a GS-12 Research
Geologist in the EERSC, working on the CO2 project, Gulf Coast project, and
Alaska project.  Please pass this along to anyone that might be interested.

Here is the USAJOBS link: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob


*Tina L. Roberts-Ashby, Ph.D.*
*Associate Center Director *
*Eastern Energy Resources Science Center*

*U.S. Geological Survey*
*National Science Center*
*12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 956*
*Reston, VA 20192*

*Tel: (703) 648-6543*
*Fax: (703) 648-6419*
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