[ES_JOBS_NET] Atmospheric Chemistry Colloquium for Emerging Senior Scientists (ACCESS)
Christine Wiedinmyer
christin at ucar.edu
Thu Feb 9 06:27:26 MST 2017
Applications are open for ACCESS XIV, the Fourteenth Atmospheric
Chemistry Colloquium for Emerging Senior Scientists. ACCESS XIV, will be
convened at Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, New York from
July 27-30, 2017. Participants will be invited to attend both ACCESS and
the Gordon Research Conference in Atmospheric Chemistry, which will be
held at the Grand Summit Hotel at Sunday River in Newry, Maine from July
30 to August 4, 2017. All expenses for participants at both ACCESS and
the GRC, including registration for the GRC and transportation to and
from originating locations, will be provided.
To be eligible to participate in ACCESS, an applicant must have received
a doctorate from an accredited university after May 1, 2015, or his/her
advisor must certify that in all probability the applicant will have
received a doctoral degree by August 31, 2018. The applicant's thesis or
postdoctoral research must be in the field of atmospheric chemistry.
Attendance is limited to 25 participants, who are selected by a
committee based on the significance and achievement of the applicant’s
thesis or postdoctoral research, the application, and a letter of
recommendation from the applicant’s major thesis or postdoctoral
advisor. Participation in ACCESS is highly competitive, and there are
typically more than 100 candidates from the most prestigious
institutions in the US and abroad.
The purpose of ACCESS is to bring together young researchers in
atmospheric chemistry and representatives of the principal federal
government agencies that fund atmospheric chemistry research to engage
in scientific discussion and interaction. The meetings will forge future
professional relationships, and the entire atmospheric science community
will benefit by becoming more aware of innovations in atmospheric
chemistry through presentations by ACCESS participants and through these
interactions. Participation in ACCESS and the GRC is jointly sponsored
by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA), the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
For more information or to apply, go to
Ernie R. Lewis, ACCESS Chair, elewis at bnl.gov
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