[ES_JOBS_NET] Vice President for Academic Programs and Dean, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), Cape Cod, MA
Christine Wiedinmyer
christin at ucar.edu
Wed Feb 1 06:23:18 MST 2017
*VicePresident forAcademicPrograms andDean*
*Cape Cod, MA*
Applications aresought for theposition of*VicePresident
forAcademicPrograms and Dean(VP/Dean) *at theWoods
HoleOceanographicInstitution (WHOI).
As head of WHOI's Academic Programs Office (APO), theVP/Dean is
responsible forInstitutional educational policy, programs,and budgets.
The VP/Dean oversees WHOI postdoctoral and undergraduate research
programs and works with his/her counterpart at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) to coordinate the graduate-level MIT-WHOI
Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering. The
VP/Dean works with the Development Office to identify and solicit new
sources of support for educational activities, provides leadership in
identifying and implementing new and creative educational directions,
and is a prominent advocate on issues of oceanographic and scientific
educational policy at thenational and internationallevels.
The VP/Dean is one of five VP-level members of the WHOI Senior
Administration and reports directly to the President/Director of WHOI.
As a member of the Senior Administration the VP/Dean is an active
contributor to all aspects of the Institution through scientific and
strategic leadership, planning, and formulating policy, in addition to
ensuring the successful operation of the Academic Program Office. A
strongcommitment to scholarship and education is essential,
demonstratedbya distinguished record in research,
teaching,academicleadership,and management. A Ph.D. or experience in
adisciplinerelated to ocean scienceis required, with credentials
appropriateto appointment at thelevelof SeniorScientist (equivalent to
WHOI is the largest private, non-profit oceanographic institution in the
world, with staff and students numbering approximately 1,000. The
Institution is dedicated to research and education to advance
understanding of the ocean and its interaction with the Earth system,
and communicating this understanding for the benefit of
society.WHOIconducts disciplinaryand interdisciplinaryresearchin
ocean-relatedareas ofbiology, chemistry,geochemistry,
engineering,geology,geophysics, physical oceanography, and marinepolicy.
12-monthposition,pleasecontactthesearchcommitteechair,Dr. Claudia
Cenedese,byphone(508-289-2696)ore-mail(ccenedese at whoi.edu
<mailto:ccenedese at whoi.edu>).Toview the position description, a brief
overview of WHOI and the APO and to apply, please go online
athttp://jobs.whoi.edu <http://jobs.whoi.edu/>under ‘Administrative
Positions’. ThereviewofapplicationswillbeginonMarch1, 2017.
Applicationswillbeaccepted untilthepositionisfilled.
WomenandMinoritiesarestrongly encouragedtoapply.WHOI is sensitive to the
issues of confidentiality and dual career families and will work with
applicants to address these. WHOIisan AffirmativeAction/Equal
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